Jorge Valverde-Rebaza
Jorge Valverde-Rebaza
Tecnologico de Monterrey
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Cited by
A survey of the applications of Bayesian networks in agriculture
B Drury, J Valverde-Rebaza, MF Moura, A de Andrade Lopes
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 65, 29-42, 2017
Exploiting behaviors of communities of twitter users for link prediction
J Valverde-Rebaza, A de Andrade Lopes
Social Network Analysis and Mining 3 (4), 1063-1074, 2013
Link Prediction in Complex Networks Based on Cluster Information
J Valverde-Rebaza, A de Andrade Lopes
Advances in Artificial Intelligence-SBIA 2012, 92-101, 2012
Detección de bordes mediante el algoritmo de Canny
J Valverde-Rebaza
Tech. Report, 2007
The role of location and social strength for friendship prediction in location-based social networks
JC Valverde-Rebaza, M Roche, P Poncelet, A de Andrade Lopes
Information Processing & Management 54 (4), 475-489, 2018
Metodologías ágiles
SD Amaro Calderón, JC Valverde-Rebaza
Universidad Nacional de Trujillo 37, 2007
Structural link prediction using community information on twitter
J Valverde-Rebaza, A de Andrade Lopes
2012 fourth international conference on computational aspects of social …, 2012
Job Recommendation Based on Job Seeker Skills: An Empirical Study.
JC Valverde-Rebaza, R Puma, P Bustios, NC Silva
Text2Story@ ECIR, 47-51, 2018
Lazy multi-label learning algorithms based on mutuality strategies
EA Cherman, N Spolaôr, J Valverde-Rebaza, MC Monard
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 80, 261-276, 2015
Link prediction in graph construction for supervised and semi-supervised learning
L Berton, J Valverde-Rebaza, A de Andrade Lopes
2015 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2015
Music genre classification using traditional and relational approaches
J Valverde-Rebaza, A Soriano, L Berton, MCF de Oliveira, ...
2014 Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems, 259-264, 2014
Método para la Aplicación de Esquemas de Clave Pública al Cifrado de Imágenes RGB
J Valverde-Rebaza, P Shiguihara-Juárez, J Grados-Vásquez
Proceedings de las Jornadas Peruanas de Computación (JPC 2008), 2008
Rgcli: Robust graph that considers labeled instances for semi-supervised learning
L Berton, T de Paulo Faleiros, A Valejo, J Valverde-Rebaza, ...
Neurocomputing 226, 238-248, 2017
Link Prediction in Online Social Networks Using Group Information
JC Valverde-Rebaza, A de Andrade Lopes
Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2014, 31-45, 2014
Exploiting social and mobility patterns for friendship prediction in location-based social networks
J Valverde-Rebaza, M Roche, P Poncelet, A de Andrade Lopes
2016 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2526-2531, 2016
A multilevel approach for overlapping community detection
A Valejo, J Valverde-Rebaza, ADA Lopes
2014 Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems, 390-395, 2014
A Naïve Bayes model based on overlapping groups for link prediction in online social networks
J Valverde-Rebaza, A Valejo, L Berton, T de Paulo Faleiros, ...
The 30th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing, 1136-1141, 2015
Multilevel refinement based on neighborhood similarity
A Valejo, J Valverde-Rebaza, B Drury, AA Lopes
Proceedings of the 18th International Database Engineering & Applications …, 2014
The Impact of Network Sampling on Relational Classification.
L Berton, DA Vega-Oliveros, JC Valverde-Rebaza, AT da Silva, ...
SIMBig, 62-72, 2016
SEDFE: Un Sistema Experto para el Diagnóstico Fitosanitario del Espárrago usando Redes Bayesianas
P Shiguihara-Juárez, J Valverde-Rebaza
Proceedings del Congreso de Inteligencia Computacional Aplicada (CICA 2009), 2009
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Articles 1–20