Abbas Acar
Cited by
Cited by
A survey on homomorphic encryption schemes: Theory and implementation
A Acar, H Aksu, AS Uluagac, M Conti
ACM Computing Surveys (Csur) 51 (4), 1-35, 2018
Peek-a-boo: I see your smart home activities, even encrypted!
A Acar, H Fereidooni, T Abera, AK Sikder, M Miettinen, H Aksu, M Conti, ...
Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless …, 2020
IoT-enabled smart lighting systems for smart cities
AK Sikder, A Acar, H Aksu, AS Uluagac, K Akkaya, M Conti
2018 IEEE 8th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference …, 2018
The Truth Shall Set Thee Free: Enabling Practical Forensic Capabilities in Smart Environments.
L Babun, AK Sikder, A Acar, AS Uluagac
NDSS, 2022
SoK: cryptojacking malware
E Tekiner, A Acar, AS Uluagac, E Kirda, AA Selcuk
2021 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P), 120-139, 2021
Kratos: Multi-user multi-device-aware access control system for the smart home
AK Sikder, L Babun, ZB Celik, A Acar, H Aksu, P McDaniel, E Kirda, ...
Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless …, 2020
WACA: Wearable-Assisted Continuous Authentication
A Acar, H Aksu, AS Uluagac, K Akkaya
2018 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW), 2018
Energy consumption of on-device machine learning models for IoT intrusion detection
N Tekin, A Acar, A Aris, AS Uluagac, VC Gungor
Internet of Things 21, 100670, 2023
A usable and robust continuous authentication framework using wearables
A Acar, H Aksu, AS Uluagac, K Akkaya
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 20 (6), 2140-2153, 2020
Achieving Secure and Differentially Private Computations in Multiparty Settings
A Acar, ZB Celik, H Aksu, AS Uluagac, P McDaniel
Privacy-Aware Computing (PAC), 2017 IEEE Symposium on, 49-59, 2017
A first look at code obfuscation for webassembly
S Bhansali, A Aris, A Acar, H Oz, AS Uluagac
Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless …, 2022
A privacy‐preserving multifactor authentication system
A Acar, W Liu, R Bayeh, K Akkaya, AS Uluagac
Security and Privacy 2 (5), e88, 2019
Method for continuous user authentication with wearables
A Acar, H Aksu, K Akkaya, AS Uluagac
US Patent 10,075,846, 2018
A Lightweight IoT Cryptojacking Detection Mechanism in Heterogeneous Smart Home Networks
E Tekiner, A Acar, AS Uluagac
Proceedings of the 29th Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS) Symposium, 2022
An analysis of malware trends in enterprise networks
A Acar, L Lu, AS Uluagac, E Kirda
Information Security: 22nd International Conference, ISC 2019, New York City …, 2019
A review of on-device machine learning for IoT: An energy perspective
N Tekin, A Aris, A Acar, S Uluagac, VC Gungor
Ad Hoc Networks, 103348, 2023
RøB: Ransomware over Modern Web Browsers
H Oz, A Aris, A Acar, GS Tuncay, L Babun, S Uluagac
USENIX Security Symposium '23, 2023
Curie: Policy-based secure data exchange
ZB Celik, A Acar, H Aksu, R Sheatsley, P McDaniel, AS Uluagac
Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and …, 2019
In-browser cryptomining for good: An untold story
E Tekiner, A Acar, AS Uluagac, E Kirda, AA Selcuk
2021 IEEE International Conference on Decentralized Applications and …, 2021
A lightweight privacy-aware continuous authentication protocol-paca
A Acar, S Ali, K Karabina, C Kaygusuz, H Aksu, K Akkaya, S Uluagac
ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS) 24 (4), 1-28, 2021
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Articles 1–20