Erwin R Boer
Erwin R Boer
Entropy Control, Inc.
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Haptic shared control: smoothly shifting control authority?
DA Abbink, M Mulder, ER Boer
Cognition, Technology & Work 14, 19-28, 2012
Central interference in driving: Is there any stopping the psychological refractory period?
J Levy, H Pashler, E Boer
Psychological science 17 (3), 228-235, 2006
Toward an integrated model of driver behavior in cognitive architecture
DD Salvucci, ER Boer, A Liu
Transportation research record 1779 (1), 9-16, 2001
Development of a steering entropy method for evaluating driver workload
O Nakayama, T Futami, T Nakamura, ER Boer
SAE transactions, 1686-1695, 1999
A topology of shared control systems—finding common ground in diversity
DA Abbink, T Carlson, M Mulder, JCF De Winter, F Aminravan, TL Gibo, ...
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 48 (5), 509-525, 2018
Sharing control with haptics: Seamless driver support from manual to automatic control
M Mulder, DA Abbink, ER Boer
Human factors 54 (5), 786-798, 2012
Longitudinal changes in quality of life and rates of progressive visual field loss in glaucoma patients
FA Medeiros, CPB Gracitelli, ER Boer, RN Weinreb, LM Zangwill, ...
Ophthalmology 122 (2), 293-301, 2015
Car following from the driver’s perspective
ER Boer
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 2 (4), 201-206, 1999
The effect of haptic guidance on curve negotiation behavior of young, experienced drivers
M Mulder, DA Abbink, ER Boer
2008 IEEE international conference on systems, man and cybernetics, 804-809, 2008
Identification of visual cues and quantification of drivers' perception of proximity risk to the lead vehicle in car-following situations
T Kondoh, T Yamamura, S Kitazaki, N Kuge, ER Boer
Journal of Mechanical Systems for Transportation and Logistics 1 (2), 170-180, 2008
Generating basis siphons and traps of Petri nets using the sign incidence matrix
ER Boer, T Murata
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and …, 1994
Model-based human-centered task automation: a case study in ACC system design
MA Goodrich, ER Boer
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 2003
Coming back into the loop: Drivers’ perceptual-motor performance in critical events after automated driving
T Louw, G Markkula, E Boer, R Madigan, O Carsten, N Merat
Accident Analysis & Prevention 108, 9-18, 2017
Distracted driving in elderly and middle-aged drivers
KR Thompson, AM Johnson, JL Emerson, JD Dawson, ER Boer, M Rizzo
Accident Analysis & Prevention 45, 711-717, 2012
From vision to action: experiments and models of steering control during driving.
EC Hildreth, JMH Beusmans, ER Boer, CS Royden
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 26 (3 …, 2000
The role of cloud microphysics parameterization in the simulation of mesoscale convective system clouds and precipitation in the tropical western Pacific
K Van Weverberg, AM Vogelmann, W Lin, EP Luke, A Cialella, P Minnis, ...
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 70 (4), 1104-1128, 2013
Manual control cybernetics: State-of-the-art and current trends
M Mulder, DM Pool, DA Abbink, ER Boer, PMT Zaal, FM Drop, ...
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 48 (5), 468-485, 2017
Designing human-centered automation: Trade-offs in collision avoidance system design
MA Goodrich, ER Boer
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 1 (1), 40-54, 2000
Association between progressive retinal nerve fiber layer loss and longitudinal change in quality of life in glaucoma
CPB Gracitelli, RY Abe, AJ Tatham, PN Rosen, LM Zangwill, ER Boer, ...
JAMA ophthalmology 133 (4), 384-390, 2015
Combined effects of alcohol and distraction on driving performance
ME Rakauskas, NJ Ward, ER Boer, EM Bernat, M Cadwallader, CJ Patrick
Accident Analysis & Prevention 40 (5), 1742-1749, 2008
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Articles 1–20