Marino Menozzi
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Cited by
Consumers' food selection behaviors in three-dimensional (3D) virtual reality
M Siegrist, CY Ung, M Zank, M Marinello, A Kunz, C Hartmann, ...
Food research international 117, 50-59, 2019
CRT versus LCD: A pilot study on visual performance and suitability of two display technologies for use in office work
M Menozzi, U Näpflin, H Krueger
Displays 20 (1), 3-10, 1999
CRT versus LCD: Effects of refresh rate, display technology and background luminance in visual performance
M Menozzi, F Lang, U Naepflin, C Zeller, H Krueger
Displays 22 (3), 79-85, 2001
Direction of gaze and comfort: discovering the relation for the ergonomic optimization of visual tasks
M Menozzi, A Buol, H Krueger, C Miège
Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 14 (4), 393-399, 1994
Information access at the point of care: what can we learn for designing a mobile CPR system?
E Reuss, M Menozzi, M Büchi, J Koller, H Krueger
International Journal of Medical Informatics 73 (4), 363-369, 2004
Innovations in consumer research: The virtual food buffet
CY Ung, M Menozzi, C Hartmann, M Siegrist
Food Quality and Preference 63, 12-17, 2018
Ergonomics and human factors as a requirement to implement safer collaborative robotic workstations: A literature review
A Cardoso, A Colim, E Bicho, AC Braga, M Menozzi, P Arezes
Safety 7 (4), 71, 2021
Adaptive tutoring on a virtual reality driving simulator
S Ropelato, F Zünd, S Magnenat, M Menozzi, Y van Dinther
ETH ZurichInternational SERIES on Information Systems and Management in …, 2018
The comparability of consumers’ behavior in virtual reality and real life: a validation study of virtual reality based on a ranking task
C Xu, Y Demir-Kaymaz, C Hartmann, M Menozzi, M Siegrist
Food quality and preference 87, 104071, 2021
Augmented reality microsurgery: a tool for training micromanipulations in ophthalmic surgery using augmented reality
S Ropelato, M Menozzi, D Michel, M Siegrist
Simulation in Healthcare 15 (2), 122-127, 2020
Color discrimination vision test
M Menozzi
US Patent 6,210,006, 2001
Applying the Ishihara test to a PC-based screening system
A Hoffmann, M Menozzi
Displays 20 (1), 39-47, 1999
Effect of subjective and objective workload on asthenopia at VDU workplaces
T Stüdeli, M Menozzi
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics 9 (4), 441-451, 2003
Visual ergonomics of head‐mounted displays
M Menozzi
Japanese Psychological Research 42 (4), 213-221, 2000
Effects of discomfort glare on performance in attending peripheral visual information in displays
YY Huang, M Menozzi
Displays 35 (5), 240-246, 2014
Training in ergonomics at VDU workplaces
M Menozzi, A Von Buol, H Waldmann, S Kundig, H Krueger, W Spieler
Ergonomics 42 (6), 835-845, 1999
Fitting varifocal lenses: Strain as a function of the orientation of the eyes
M Menozzi, A Buol, H Krueger, C Miège, C Pedrono
Ophthalmic and Visual Optics, ThD1, 1992
A review on methods used to record and analyze microfluctuations of the accommodation in the human eye.
PP Monticone, M Menozzi
Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid publications 6, 2011
Working towards a test for screening visual skills in a complex visual environment
M Menozzi, E Baumer-Bergande, B Seiffert
Ergonomics 55 (11), 1331-1339, 2012
Can movement parallax compensate lacking stereopsis in spatial explorative search tasks?
U Naepflin, M Menozzi
Displays 22 (5), 157-164, 2001
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Articles 1–20