Xiaolei Guo
Xiaolei Guo
Ph.D. Student, Purdue University
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Cited by
Visual localization for autonomous driving: Mapping the accurate location in the city maze
D Liu, Y Cui, X Guo, W Ding, B Yang, Y Chen
2020 25th international conference on pattern recognition (ICPR), 3170-3177, 2021
VR-PAVIB: The virtual reality pedestrian-autonomous vehicle interaction benchmark
AF Dalipi, D Liu, X Guo, Y Chen, C Mousas
12th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive …, 2020
Understanding pitfalls and opportunities of applying heuristic evaluation methods to vr training systems: An empirical study
X Guo, K Kumar Nerella, J Dong, Z Qian, Y Chen
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 40 (9), 2168-2184, 2024
A virtual reality framework to measure psychological and physiological responses of the self-driving car passengers
X Guo, D Wan, D Liu, C Mousas, Y Chen
ManiLoco: A VR-Based Locomotion Method for Concurrent Object Manipulation
D Wan, X Guo, J Dong, C Mousas, Y Chen
Proceedings of the ACM on computer graphics and interactive techniques 6 (1 …, 2023
HAVIT: A VR-Based Platform to Support Human-Autonomous Vehicle Interaction Study
X Guo, D Wan, D Liu, C Mousas, Y Chen
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 371-390, 2022
Colorslope: a balanced visualization of overview and details on ranks over time
H Wang, X Jiang, A Nagarajan, X Guo, L Ding, D Wan, J Zhao, Y Chen
Visual Intelligence 1 (1), 7, 2023
Behavioral Mapping: A Patch of the User Research Method in the Cruise Tourists Preference Research
J Lu, X Guo, L Ding, Z Qian, Y Chen
Cross-Cultural Design. Applications in Cultural Heritage, Tourism …, 2021
ConstellationBuilder: A High-Level Situational Awareness and Team Assembly Interface for Cybersecurity Events
C Guo, J Zhao, L Ding, T Zhang, W Deng, PO Attah, X Guo, XT Nguyen, ...
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