Dr. Hesam Omranpour
Cited by
Cited by
Task scheduling using NSGA II with fuzzy adaptive operators for computational grids
R Salimi, H Motameni, H Omranpour
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 74 (5), 2333-2350, 2014
A novel genetic algorithm in LEACH-C routing protocol for sensor networks
A Rahmanian, H Omranpour, M Akbari, K Raahemifar
2011 24th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE …, 2011
Stacking ensemble model of deep learning and its application to Persian/Arabic handwritten digits recognition
F Haghighi, H Omranpour
Knowledge-Based Systems 220, 106940, 2021
Solving robot path planning problem by using a new elitist multi-objective IWD algorithm based on coefficient of variation
S Salmanpour, H Monfared, H Omranpour
Soft Computing 21 (11), 3063-3079, 2017
Phase space elliptic density feature for epileptic EEG signals classification using metaheuristic optimization method
N Darjani, H Omranpour
Knowledge-Based Systems 205, 106276, 2020
Dynamic particle swarm optimization for multimodal function
H Omranpour, M Ebadzadeh, S Shiry, S Barzegar
IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence 1 (1), 1, 2012
Task scheduling with Load balancing for computational grid using NSGA II with fuzzy mutation
R Salimi, H Motameni, H Omranpour
2012 2nd IEEE international conference on parallel, distributed and grid …, 2012
Intelligent system for continuous gas lift operation and design with unlimited gas supply
E Khamehchi, F Rashidi, H Omranpour, SS Ghidary, A Ebrahimian, ...
Journal of Applied Sciences 9 (10), 1889-1897, 2009
An improved method for edge detection and image segmentation using fuzzy cellular automata
R Shahverdi, M Tavana, A Ebrahimnejad, K Zahedi, H Omranpour
Cybernetics and Systems 47 (3), 161-179, 2016
An intelligent water drops algorithm for solving robot path planning problem
S Salmanpour, H Omranpour, H Motameni
2013 IEEE 14th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and …, 2013
Environment multiple-layer map, inspired from hippocampal function
H Omranpour, S Shiry, S Gharibzadeh
The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 24 (3), E1-E1, 2012
CSP-Ph-PS: Learning CSP-phase space and Poincare sections based on evolutionary algorithm for EEG signals recognition
H Pourali, H Omranpour
Expert Systems with Applications 211, 118621, 2023
Intrusion detection systems using real-valued negative selection algorithm with optimized detectors
F Selahshoor, H Jazayeriy, H Omranpour
2019 5th Iranian conference on signal processing and intelligent systems …, 2019
A heuristic supervised Euclidean data difference dimension reduction for KNN classifier and its application to visual place classification
H Omranpour, S Shiry Ghidary
Neural Computing and Applications 27, 1867-1881, 2016
Mobile robot global localization using imperialist competitive algorithm
A Tamimi, H Sadjadian, H Omranpour
2010 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and …, 2010
Epileptic seizure classification using ConvLSTM deep classifier and rotation short-time Fourier Transform
M Chalaki, H Omranpour
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 14 (4), 3809-3825, 2023
Application of artificial neural network in cable life time estimation and its failure rate per 100 km
AH Ranjbar, R Adnani, H Omranpour
2008 IEEE 2nd International Power and Energy Conference, 22-25, 2008
Random forest and rotation forest ensemble methods for classification of epileptic EEG signals based on improved 1D‐LBP feature extraction
A Geran Malek, M Mansoori, H Omranpour
International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 31 (1), 189-203, 2021
Distributed coloring of the graph edges
H Omranpour, M Ebadzadeh, S Barzegar, M Shojafar
2008 7th IEEE International Conference on Cybernetic Intelligent Systems, 1-5, 2008
Breast cancer prediction by ensemble meta-feature space generator based on deep neural network
M Taheri, H Omranpour
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 87, 105382, 2024
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Articles 1–20