Susana Cardoso de Freitas
Susana Cardoso de Freitas
INESC-MN and Instituto Superior Tecnico - Universidade de Lisboa
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Magnetoresistive sensors
PP Freitas, R Ferreira, S Cardoso, F Cardoso
Journal of Physics: condensed matter 19 (16), 165221, 2007
Interacting ferromagnetic nanoparticles in discontinuous Co 80 Fe 20/A l 2 O 3 multilayers: From superspin glass to reentrant superferromagnetism
W Kleemann, O Petracic, C Binek, GN Kakazei, YG Pogorelov, JB Sousa, ...
Physical Review B 63 (13), 134423, 2001
Study of the dynamic magnetic properties of soft CoFeB films
C Bilzer, T Devolder, JV Kim, G Counil, C Chappert, S Cardoso, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 100 (5), 2006
Magnetoresistive sensor development roadmap (non-recording applications)
C Zheng, K Zhu, SC De Freitas, JY Chang, JE Davies, P Eames, ...
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 55 (4), 1-30, 2019
Collective states of interacting ferromagnetic nanoparticles
O Petracic, X Chen, S Bedanta, W Kleemann, S Sahoo, S Cardoso, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 300 (1), 192-197, 2006
Overcoming the dipolar disorder in dense CoFe nanoparticle ensembles: Superferromagnetism
S Bedanta, T Eimüller, W Kleemann, J Rhensius, F Stromberg, ...
Physical Review Letters 98 (17), 176601, 2007
Giant magnetoresistance (GMR) sensors
C Reig, S Cardoso, SC Mukhopadhyay
Smart Sensors, Measurement and Instrumentation 6 (1), 1-301, 2013
Vector network analyzer ferromagnetic resonance of thin films on coplanar waveguides: Comparison of different evaluation methods
C Bilzer, T Devolder, P Crozat, C Chappert, S Cardoso, PP Freitas
Journal of applied physics 101 (7), 2007
Spin-tunnel-junction thermal stability and interface interdiffusion above 300 C
S Cardoso, PP Freitas, C De Jesus, P Wei, JC Soares
Applied Physics Letters 76 (5), 610-612, 2000
Superparamagnetism versus superspin glass behavior in dilute magnetic nanoparticle systems
X Chen, S Bedanta, O Petracic, W Kleemann, S Sahoo, S Cardoso, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (21), 214436, 2005
Spintronic sensors
PP Freitas, R Ferreira, S Cardoso
Proceedings of the IEEE 104 (10), 1894-1918, 2016
Size dependence of the exchange bias field in NiO/Ni nanostructures
M Fraune, U Rüdiger, G Güntherodt, S Cardoso, P Freitas
Applied Physics Letters 77 (23), 3815-3817, 2000
Spintronic platforms for biomedical applications
PP Freitas, FA Cardoso, VC Martins, SAM Martins, J Loureiro, J Amaral, ...
Lab on a Chip 12 (3), 546-557, 2012
Femtomolar limit of detection with a magnetoresistive biochip
VC Martins, FA Cardoso, J Germano, S Cardoso, L Sousa, M Piedade, ...
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 24 (8), 2690-2695, 2009
Aging and memory in a superspin glass
S Sahoo, O Petracic, W Kleemann, P Nordblad, S Cardoso, PP Freitas
Physical Review B 67 (21), 214422, 2003
Strategies for enhancing the analytical performance of nanomaterial-based sensors
CIL Justino, TAP Rocha-Santos, S Cardoso, AC Duarte
TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 47, 27-36, 2013
Linearization strategies for high sensitivity magnetoresistive sensors
AV Silva, DC Leitao, J Valadeiro, J Amaral, PP Freitas, S Cardoso
The European Physical Journal Applied Physics 72 (1), 10601, 2015
Biosensors for on-farm diagnosis of mastitis
SAM Martins, VC Martins, FA Cardoso, J Germano, M Rodrigues, ...
Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology 7, 186, 2019
The electronic properties of sputtered chromium and iron oxide films
G Goodlet, S Faty, S Cardoso, PP Freitas, AMP Simoes, MGS Ferreira, ...
Corrosion Science 46 (6), 1479-1499, 2004
Challenges and trends in magnetic sensor integration with microfluidics for biomedical applications
S Cardoso, DC Leitao, TM Dias, J Valadeiro, MD Silva, A Chicharo, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 50 (21), 213001, 2017
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Articles 1–20