Ghadir Pourhashem
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Cited by
Users’ Perception of Value of Travel Time and Value of Ridesharing Impacts on Europeans’ Ridesharing Participation Intention: A Case Study Based on MoTiV European-Wide Mobility …
E Malichova, G Pourhashem, T Kovacikova, M Hudak
Sustainability 2020 12 (4118), 2020
Gender difference in perception of value of travel time and travel mode choice behavior in eight European countries
G Pourhashem, E Malichová, T Piscová, T Kováčiková
Sustainability 14 (16), 10426, 2022
From travel time and cost savings to value of mobility
T Kováčiková, G Lugano, G Pourhashem
Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication: Selected …, 2018
Physical and digital infrastructure readiness index for Connected and Automated Vehicles
B Cucor, T Petrov, P Kamencay, G Pourhashem, M Dado
Sensors 22 (19), 7315, 2022
Beyond travel time savings: Conceptualizing and modelling the individual value proposition of mobility
G Lugano, Z Kurillova, M Hudák, G Pourhashem
Data Analytics: Paving the Way to Sustainable Urban Mobility: Proceedings of …, 2019
Factors influencing the perceived value of travel time in European urban areas
G Pourhashem, C Georgouli, E Malichová, M Straka, T Kováčiková
Transportation 51 (4), 1525-1545, 2024
Exploring women travel behaviour in the region of Žilina from large scale mobility survey
G Pourhashem, Ľ Buzna, T Kováčiková, M Hudák
Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication: Selected …, 2019
What's Your Value of Travel Time? Collecting Traveler-Centered Mobility Data via Crowdsourcing
C Consonni, S Basile, M Manca, L Boratto, A Freitas, T Kovacikova, ...
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 15 …, 2021
The role of participation behavior and information in nudging citizens sustainable mobility behavior: a case study of Bratislava region
G Pourhashem, E Malichova, T Kovacikova
19th International Conference on Emerging eLearning Technologies and …, 2022
Gender and Generation effects on Perception of value of Travel Time and Mode Choice
G Pourhashem, G Lugano
Proceedings of 8th Transport Research Arena TRA, 27-30, 2020
Intelligent Transport Systems–From Research and Development to the Market Uptake: First International Conference, INTSYS 2017, Hyvinkää, Finland, November 29-30, 2017, Proceedings
T Kováčiková, Ľ Buzna, G Pourhashem, G Lugano, Y Cornet, N Lugano
Springer, 2018
Current and future European culture of mobility: insights from in-depth conversations with thinkers
M Hachette, A L’hostis, D Cassolŕ, A Ulied, G Pourhashem, S Gaggi
Transportation, 1-38, 2024
Navigating the 15-minute City
A L’hostis, NA Cissé, M Hachette, E Papa, S Petitet, B Büttner, ...
Driving Urban Transitions, 2024
WG4 Thematic report: Transport demand & user challenges of ACT: WISE-ACT COST Action CA16222
V Van Acker, M Kyriakidis, N Thomopoulos, V Kolarova, S Etzioni, ...
COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), 2021
D4. 4–Customer Satisfaction Survey “Gathering and processing feedback on the quality of the app”
F Santos, AF TIS, P Santos, DC TIS, RP TIS, JA ECF, H Waris, ...
Women in Transport: A Literature Review
S Khormali, T Kováčiková, M Mikušová, G Pourhashem
The 8th International Conference on Road and Urban Transport (CMDTUR 2018), 2018
Impact Analysis of Socio-demographics on Individuals Travel Participation Pattern and Mode Choice in Pardubice
G Pourhashem, T Molkova, M Pournasir
The 15th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Engineering …, 2016
A Simultaneous Model for Assessing Individuals’ Mobility Behavior and Tour-Mode Choice in Metropolitan Areas Based on Structural Equation Modeling System
G Pourhashem
Mobil.TUM 2014, 2014
Exploration of the Relationship Among Tour-mode Choice, Activity Participation, Complexity of Trip Chaining Patterns and Socio-demographics
G pourhashem
Polytechnic University of Torino (Politecnico di Torino), 2012
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Articles 1–19