Xiuli Bi
Xiuli Bi
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Image forgery detection using adaptive oversegmentation and feature point matching
CM Pun, XC Yuan, XL Bi
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 10 (8), 1705-1716, 2015
RRU-Net: The ringed residual U-Net for image splicing forgery detection
X Bi, Y Wei, B Xiao, W Li
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2019
Image splicing forgery detection combining coarse to refined convolutional neural network and adaptive clustering
B Xiao, Y Wei, X Bi, W Li, J Ma
Information Sciences 511, 172-191, 2020
Heart sounds classification using a novel 1-D convolutional neural network with extremely low parameter consumption
B Xiao, Y Xu, X Bi, J Zhang, X Ma
Neurocomputing 392, 153-159, 2020
Computer aided Alzheimer's disease diagnosis by an unsupervised deep learning technology
X Bi, S Li, B Xiao, Y Li, G Wang, X Ma
Neurocomputing 392, 296-304, 2020
2D-LBP: an enhanced local binary feature for texture image classification
B Xiao, K Wang, X Bi, W Li, J Han
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 29 (9), 2796-2808, 2018
Global-feature encoding U-Net (GEU-Net) for multi-focus image fusion
B Xiao, B Xu, X Bi, W Li
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 30, 163-175, 2020
Scaling and rotation invariant analysis approach to object recognition based on Radon and Fourier–Mellin transforms
X Wang, B Xiao, JF Ma, XL Bi
Pattern Recognition 40 (12), 3503-3508, 2007
Multi-level dense descriptor and hierarchical feature matching for copy–move forgery detection
X Bi, CM Pun, XC Yuan
Information Sciences 345, 226-242, 2016
Fractional discrete Tchebyshev moments and their applications in image encryption and watermarking
B Xiao, J Luo, X Bi, W Li, B Chen
Information Sciences 516, 545-559, 2020
Mcf: Mutual correction framework for semi-supervised medical image segmentation
Y Wang, B Xiao, X Bi, W Li, X Gao
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2023
Follow the sound of children’s heart: a deep-learning-based computer-aided pediatric CHDs diagnosis system
B Xiao, Y Xu, X Bi, W Li, Z Ma, J Zhang, X Ma
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (3), 1994-2004, 2019
Fast copy-move forgery detection using local bidirectional coherency error refinement
X Bi, CM Pun
Pattern Recognition 81, 161-175, 2018
Multi-focus image fusion by hessian matrix based decomposition
B Xiao, G Ou, H Tang, X Bi, W Li
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 22 (2), 285-297, 2019
Detecting generated images by real images
B Liu, F Yang, X Bi, B Xiao, W Li, X Gao
European Conference on Computer Vision, 95-110, 2022
Fast reflective offset-guided searching method for copy-move forgery detection
X Bi, CM Pun
Information Sciences 418, 531-545, 2017
Multi-scale feature extraction and adaptive matching for copy-move forgery detection
XL Bi, CM Pun, XC Yuan
Multimedia Tools and Applications 77, 363-385, 2018
Iemask r-cnn: Information-enhanced mask r-cnn
X Bi, J Hu, B Xiao, W Li, X Gao
IEEE Transactions on Big Data 9 (2), 688-700, 2022
D-net: a dual-encoder u-net for image splicing forgery detection and localization
Z Yang, B Liu, X Bi, B Xiao, W Li, G Wang, X Gao
Pattern Recognition, 2024
Medical image registration based on uncoupled learning and accumulative enhancement
Y Shu, H Wang, B Xiao, X Bi, W Li
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted …, 2021
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