Lukas Rybok
Cited by
Cited by
Combined intention, activity, and motion recognition for a humanoid household robot
D Gehrig, P Krauthausen, L Rybok, H Kuehne, UD Hanebeck, T Schultz, ...
2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2011
The kit robo-kitchen data set for the evaluation of view-based activity recognition systems
L Rybok, S Friedberger, UD Hanebeck, R Stiefelhagen
2011 11th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 128-133, 2011
Action recognition in bed using BAMs for assisted living and elderly care
M Martinez, L Rybok, R Stiefelhagen
2015 14th IAPR international conference on machine vision applications (MVA …, 2015
Multi-view based estimation of human upper-body orientation
L Rybok, M Voit, HK Ekenel, R Stiefelhagen
2010 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1558-1561, 2010
“Important stuff, everywhere!” Activity recognition with salient proto-objects as context
L Rybok, B Schauerte, Z Al-Halah, R Stiefelhagen
IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, 646-651, 2014
Transfer metric learning for action similarity using high-level semantics
Z Al-Halah, L Rybok, R Stiefelhagen
Pattern Recognition Letters 72, 82-90, 2016
What to transfer? High-level semantics in transfer metric learning for action similarity
Z Al-Halah, L Rybok, R Stiefelhagen
2014 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2775-2780, 2014
Online elemental analysis for process control in the mineral processing industry
L Rybok, T Kowoll, A Thomas, A Nad, C Bachmann
TOS forum, 2022
Multisensor drill core logging integrating XRF and SWIR sensors to support machine learning
PT Mendes, P Barnabé, P Koch, E Pirard, CG Pina, L Rybok, ...
Mineral Exploration Symposium 2020 (1), 1-3, 2020
Unsupervised object candidate discovery for activity recognition
L Rybok
Vision Based Hand Puppet
C Keskin, I Arı, T Eren, F Kıraç, L Rybok, H Ekenel, R Stiefelhagen, ...
6th International Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, 40, 2010
Schätzung der Oberkörperorientierung in einem Intelligenten Raum
L Rybok, R Stiefelhagen
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Articles 1–12