Nieves Lantada Zarzosa
Nieves Lantada Zarzosa
Other namesMaria de las Nieves Lantada, Maria Nieves Lantada
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Corrigendum to ‘‘Seismic damage evaluation in urban areas using a capacity spectrum based method: Application to Barcelona’’[Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 28 (10–11 …
AH Barbat, LG Pujades, N Lantada, R Moreno
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 8 (30), 767, 2010
Seismic vulnerability and risk evaluation methods for urban areas. A review with application to a pilot area
AH Barbat, ML Carreño, LG Pujades, N Lantada, OD Cardona, ...
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 6 (1-2), 17-38, 2010
Vulnerability index and capacity spectrum based methods for urban seismic risk evaluation. A comparison
N Lantada, LG Pujades, AH Barbat
Natural hazards 51, 501-524, 2009
Seismic hazard and risk scenarios for Barcelona, Spain, using the Risk-UE vulnerability index method
N Lantada, J Irizarry, AH Barbat, X Goula, A Roca, T Susagna, ...
Bulletin of earthquake engineering 8, 201-229, 2010
Performance of buildings under earthquakes in Barcelona, Spain
AH Barbat, LG Pujades, N Lantada
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 21 (8), 573-593, 2006
Evaluación del riesgo sísmico mediante métodos avanzados y técnicas GIS. Aplicación a la ciudad de Barcelona
N Lantada
Aplicación a la ciudad de Barcelona (Tesis Doctoral). Universidad …, 2007
Statistical and spatial analysis of landslide susceptibility maps with different classification systems
C Baeza, N Lantada, S Amorim
Environmental Earth Sciences 75 (19), 1318, 2016
RockGIS: a GIS-based model for the analysis of fragmentation in rockfalls
G Matas, N Lantada, J Corominas, JA Gili, R Ruiz-Carulla, A Prades
Landslides 14 (5), 1565-1578, 2017
Ground-shaking scenarios and urban risk evaluation of Barcelona using the Risk-UE capacity spectrum based method
J Irizarry, N Lantada, LG Pujades, AH Barbat, X Goula, T Susagna, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 9, 441-466, 2011
Influence of sample and terrain unit on landslide susceptibility assessment at La Pobla de Lillet, Eastern Pyrenees, Spain
C Baeza, N Lantada, J Moya
Environmental Earth Sciences 60, 155-167, 2010
Validation and evaluation of two multivariate statistical models for predictive shallow landslide susceptibility mapping of the Eastern Pyrenees (Spain)
C Baeza, N Lantada, J Moya
Environmental Earth Sciences 61, 507-523, 2010
Seismic energy analysis as generated by impact and fragmentation of single‐block experimental rockfalls
L Saló, J Corominas, N Lantada, G Matas, A Prades, R Ruiz‐Carulla
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 123 (6), 1450-1478, 2018
Simulation of full-scale rockfall tests with a fragmentation model
G Matas, N Lantada, J Corominas, J Gili, R Ruiz-Carulla, A Prades
Geosciences 10 (5), 168, 2020
Rockfalls: Analysis of the block fragmentation through field experiments
JA Gili, R Ruiz-Carulla, G Matas, J Moya, A Prades, J Corominas, ...
Landslides 19 (5), 1009-1029, 2022
Earthquake risk scenarios in urban areas: a review with applications to the Ciutat Vella District in Barcelona, Spain
N Lantada, LG Pujades, AH Barbat
International Journal of Architectural Heritage 12 (7-8), 1112-1130, 2018
Evaluation of social context integrated into the study of seismic risk for urban areas
N Jaramillo, ML Carreño, N Lantada
International journal of disaster risk reduction 17, 185-198, 2016
Experimental study on rockfall fragmentation: In situ test design and first results
JA Gili, R Ruiz, G Matas, J Corominas, N Lantada, MA Núñez, F Buill, ...
landslides and engineered slopes. Experience, theory and practice, 983-990, 2018
Capturing rockfall kinematic and fragmentation parameters using high-speed camera system
A Prades-Valls, J Corominas, N Lantada, G Matas, MA Núñez-Andrés
Engineering Geology 302, 106629, 2022
A probabilistic approach for seismic risk assessment based on vulnerability functions. Application to Barcelona
A Aguilar-Meléndez, LG Pujades, AH Barbat, MG Ordaz, J de la Puente, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 17, 1863-1890, 2019
Seismic risk assessment using stochastic nonlinear models
YF Vargas-Alzate, N Lantada, R González-Drigo, LG Pujades
Sustainability 12 (4), 1308, 2020
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Articles 1–20