Fang Li
Fang Li
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Cited by
A new adaptive weighted mean filter for removing salt-and-pepper noise
P Zhang, F Li
IEEE signal processing letters 21 (10), 1280-1283, 2014
Image restoration combining a total variational filter and a fourth-order filter
F Li, C Shen, J Fan, C Shen
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 18 (4), 322-330, 2007
Variable exponent functionals in image restoration
F Li, Z Li, L Pi
Applied Mathematics and Computation 216 (3), 870-882, 2010
A variational approach for pan-sharpening
F Fang, F Li, C Shen, G Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 22 (7), 2822-2834, 2013
A multiphase image segmentation method based on fuzzy region competition
F Li, MK Ng, TY Zeng, C Shen
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 3 (3), 277-299, 2010
Luminance-aware pyramid network for low-light image enhancement
J Li, J Li, F Fang, F Li, G Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2020
High-quality Bayesian pansharpening
T Wang, F Fang, F Li, G Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 28 (1), 227-239, 2018
Selection of regularization parameter in total variation image restoration
H Liao, F Li, MK Ng
JOSA A 26 (11), 2311-2320, 2009
A novel retinex-based fractional-order variational model for images with severely low light
Z Gu, F Li, F Fang, G Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 29, 3239-3253, 2019
A Fast 1-TV Algorithm for Image Restoration
X Guo, F Li, MK Ng
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 31 (3), 2322-2341, 2009
Multiplicative noise removal with spatially varying regularization parameters
F Li, MK Ng, C Shen
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 3 (1), 1-20, 2010
Single image dehazing and denoising: A fast variational approach
F Fang, F Li, T Zeng
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 7 (2), 969-996, 2014
Coupled segmentation and denoising/deblurring models for hyperspectral material identification
F Li, MK Ng, RJ Plemmons
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 19 (1), 153-173, 2012
A universal variational framework for sparsity-based image inpainting
F Li, T Zeng
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 23 (10), 4242-4254, 2014
Multiphase soft segmentation with total variation and H 1 regularization
F Li, C Shen, C Li
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 37 (2), 98-111, 2010
A variational formulation for segmenting desired objects in color images
L Pi, C Shen, F Li, J Fan
Image and Vision Computing 25 (9), 1414-1421, 2007
Variational fuzzy Mumford–Shah model for image segmentation
F Li, MK Ng, C Li
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 70 (7), 2750-2770, 2010
Kernel density estimation based multiphase fuzzy region competition method for texture image segmentation
F Li, MK Ng
Communications in Computational Physics 8 (3), 623, 2010
An efficient nonconvex regularization for wavelet frame and total variation based image restoration
XG Lv, YZ Song, F Li
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 290, 553-566, 2015
Image segmentation with simultaneous illumination and reflectance estimation: An energy minimization approach
C Li, F Li, CY Kao, C Xu
2009 ieee 12th international conference on computer vision, 702-708, 2009
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