Brice Acree
Cited by
Cited by
Measuring ideological proportions in political speeches
Y Sim, BDL Acree, JH Gross, NA Smith
Proceedings of the 2013 conference on empirical methods in natural language …, 2013
Etch-a-sketching: Evaluating the post-primary rhetorical moderation hypothesis
BDL Acree, JH Gross, NA Smith, Y Sim, AE Boydstun
American Politics Research 48 (1), 99-131, 2020
Testing the etch-a-sketch hypothesis: a computational analysis of Mitt Romney's ideological makeover during the 2012 primary vs. general elections
JH Gross, B Acree, Y Sim, NA Smith
APSA 2013 Annual Meeting Paper, American Political Science Association 2013 …, 2013
Comparing and evaluating cosine similarity scores, weighted cosine similarity scores and substring matching
B Acree, E Hansen, J Jansa, K Shoub
Working Paper, 2016
Yanchuan Sim, and Noah A Smith. 2013. Testing the etch-a-sketch hypothesis: A computational analysis of mitt romney’s ideological makeover during the 2012 primary vs. general …
J Gross, B Acree
APSA 2013 Annual Meeting Paper, 2020
Deep learning and ideological rhetoric
B Acree
Etch-a-Sketching: Testing the Post-Primary Moderation Hypothesis
BDL Acree
The Ideology-Etch-a-Sketch (IdEaS) Model: Inferring Ideology from Key Phrases in Text⇤
J Gross, B Acree, N Smith, Y Sim
Measuring Ideological Proportions in Political Speeches Supplementary Material
Y Sim, BDL Acree, JH Gross, NA Smith
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Articles 1–9