Kyuseok Shim
Kyuseok Shim
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Seoul National University, Korea
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Cited by
CURE: An efficient clustering algorithm for large databases
S Guha, R Rastogi, K Shim
ACM Sigmod record 27 (2), 73-84, 1998
Efficient algorithms for mining outliers from large data sets
S Ramaswamy, R Rastogi, K Shim
Proceedings of the 2000 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2000
ROCK: A robust clustering algorithm for categorical attributes
S Guha, R Rastogi, K Shim
Information systems 25 (5), 345-366, 2000
Fast similarity search in the presence of noise, scaling, and translation in time-series databases
RAK Lin, H Shim
Proceeding of the 21th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases …, 1995
Cure: an efficient clustering algorithm for large databases
S Guha, R Rastogi, K Shim
Information systems 26 (1), 35-58, 2001
SPIRIT: Sequential pattern mining with regular expression constraints
MN Garofalakis, R Rastogi, K Shim
VLDB 99, 7-10, 1999
Approximate query processing using wavelets
K Chakrabarti, M Garofalakis, R Rastogi, K Shim
The VLDB Journal 10, 199-223, 2001
Optimizing queries with materialized views
S Chaudhuri, R Krishnamurthy, S Potamianos, K Shim
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Data Engineering …, 1995
APEX: An adaptive path index for XML data
CW Chung, JK Min, K Shim
Proceedings of the 2002 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2002
Including group-by in query optimization
S Chaudhuri, K Shim
VLDB 94, 12-15, 1994
PUBLIC: A decision tree classifier that integrates building and pruning
R Rastogi, K Shim
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 4, 315-344, 2000
Data-streams and histograms
S Guha, N Koudas, K Shim
Proceedings of the thirty-third annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 2001
XTRACT: A system for extracting document type descriptors from XML documents
M Garofalakis, A Gionis, R Rastogi, S Seshadri, K Shim
Proceedings of the 2000 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2000
WALRUS: A similarity retrieval algorithm for image databases
A Natsev, R Rastogi, K Shim
ACM SIGMOD Record 28 (2), 395-406, 1999
Parametric query optimization
YE Ioannidis, RT Ng, K Shim, TK Sellis
The VLDB Journal 6, 132-151, 1997
MapReduce algorithms for big data analysis
K Shim
International Workshop on Databases in Networked Information Systems, 44-48, 2013
Mining optimized association rules with categorical and numeric attributes
R Rastogi, K Shim
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 14 (1), 29-50, 2002
Developing Tightly-Coupled Data Mining Applications on a Relational Database System.
R Agrawal, K Shim
KDD 96, 287-290, 1996
Mining sequential patterns with regular expression constraints
M Garofalakis, R Rastogi, K Shim
IEEE Transactions on knowledge and data engineering 14 (3), 530-552, 2002
Approximate algorithms for k-anonymity
H Park, K Shim
Proceedings of the 2007 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2007
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Articles 1–20