Elizabeth Oltmans Ananat
Elizabeth Oltmans Ananat
Mallya Professor of Economics, Barnard College, Columbia University
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COVID-19 and parent-child psychological well-being
A Gassman-Pines, EO Ananat, J Fitz-Henley
Pediatrics 146 (4), 2020
The wrong side (s) of the tracks: The causal effects of racial segregation on urban poverty and inequality
EO Ananat
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 3 (2), 34-66, 2011
The power of the pill for the next generation: Oral contraception's effects on fertility, abortion, and maternal and child characteristics
EO Ananat, DM Hungerman
Review of Economics and Statistics 94 (1), 37-51, 2012
Does it pay to move from welfare to work?
S Danziger, CM Heflin, ME Corcoran, E Oltmans, HC Wang
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management: The Journal of the Association …, 2002
Abortion and selection
EO Ananat, J Gruber, PB Levine, D Staiger
The Review of Economics and Statistics 91 (1), 124-136, 2009
The effect of marital breakup on the income distribution of women with children
EO Ananat, G Michaels
Journal of Human Resources 43 (3), 611-629, 2008
Childcare subsidies and the transition from welfare to work
SK Danziger, EO Ananat, KG Browning
Family Relations 53 (2), 219-228, 2004
Abortion legalization and life-cycle fertility
EO Ananat, J Gruber, P Levine
Journal of Human Resources 42 (2), 375-397, 2007
The effects of the monthly and lump-sum Child Tax Credit payments on food and housing hardship
Z Parolin, E Ananat, S Collyer, M Curran, C Wimer
AEA Papers and Proceedings 113, 406-412, 2023
Children left behind: The effects of statewide job loss on student achievement
EO Ananat, A Gassman-Pines, DV Francis, CM Gibson-Davis
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2011
Community-wide job loss and teenage fertility: evidence from North Carolina
EO Ananat, A Gassman-Pines, C Gibson-Davis
Demography 50, 2151-2171, 2013
Segregation and black political efficacy
EO Ananat, E Washington
Journal of Public Economics 93 (5-6), 807-822, 2009
Effects of the expanded Child Tax Credit on employment outcomes
E Ananat, B Glasner, C Hamilton, Z Parolin, C Pignatti
Journal of Public Economics 238, 105168, 2024
The effects of local employment losses on children’s educational achievement
EO Ananat, A Gassman-Pines, CM Gibson-Davis
Whither opportunity, 299-314, 2011
Linking job loss, inequality, mental health, and education
EO Ananat, A Gassman-Pines, DV Francis, CM Gibson-Davis
Science 356 (6343), 1127-1128, 2017
Effects of statewide job losses on adolescent suicide-related behaviors
A Gassman-Pines, EO Ananat, CM Gibson-Davis
American journal of public health 104 (10), 1964-1970, 2014
How economic downturns affect children's development: an interdisciplinary perspective on pathways of influence
A Gassman‐Pines, CM Gibson‐Davis, EO Ananat
Child Development Perspectives 9 (4), 233-238, 2015
Race-specific urban wage premia and the black-white wage gap
E Ananat, F Shihe, SL Ross
Journal of Urban Economics 108, 141-153, 2018
Work schedule unpredictability: Daily occurrence and effects on working parents' well‐being
EO Ananat, A Gassman‐Pines
Journal of Marriage and Family 83 (1), 10-26, 2021
Local job losses and child maltreatment: The importance of community context
A Schenck-Fontaine, A Gassman-Pines, CM Gibson-Davis, EO Ananat
Social Service Review 91 (2), 233-263, 2017
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Articles 1–20