Thies Pfeiffer
Thies Pfeiffer
University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer
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Combining virtual reality and mobile eye tracking to provide a naturalistic experimental environment for shopper research
M Meißner, J Pfeiffer, T Pfeiffer, H Oppewal
Journal of Business Research 100, 445-458, 2019
Comparing conventional and augmented reality instructions for manual assembly tasks
J Blattgerste, B Strenge, P Renner, T Pfeiffer, K Essig
Proceedings of the 10th international conference on pervasive technologies …, 2017
Shopping in virtual reality stores: the influence of immersion on system adoption
C Peukert, J Pfeiffer, M Meißner, T Pfeiffer, C Weinhardt
Journal of Management Information Systems 36 (3), 755-788, 2019
Attention guiding techniques using peripheral vision and eye tracking for feedback in augmented-reality-based assistance systems
P Renner, T Pfeiffer
2017 IEEE symposium on 3D user interfaces (3DUI), 186-194, 2017
Advantages of eye-gaze over head-gaze-based selection in virtual and augmented reality under varying field of views
J Blattgerste, P Renner, T Pfeiffer
Proceedings of the Workshop on Communication by Gaze Interaction, 1-9, 2018
How virtual reality affects consumer choice
M Meißner, J Pfeiffer, C Peukert, H Dietrich, T Pfeiffer
Journal of Business Research 117, 219-231, 2020
Eye-tracking-based classification of information search behavior using machine learning: evidence from experiments in physical shops and virtual reality shopping environments
J Pfeiffer, T Pfeiffer, M Meißner, E Weiß
Information Systems Research 31 (3), 675-691, 2020
Towards design guidelines for virtual reality training for the chemical industry
SG Fracaro, P Chan, T Gallagher, Y Tehreem, R Toyoda, K Bernaerts, ...
Education for Chemical Engineers 36, 12-23, 2021
Evaluation of binocular eye trackers and algorithms for 3D gaze interaction in virtual reality environments
T Pfeiffer, ME Latoschik, I Wachsmuth
JVRB-Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting 5 (16), 2008
Empowering User Interfaces for the Industry 4.0
T Pfeiffer, J Hellmers, EM Schön, J Thomaschewski
IEEE Proceedings Special Issue on Cyberphysical Systems, 2016
Measuring and visualizing attention in space with 3D attention volumes
T Pfeiffer
Proceedings of the Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, 29-36, 2012
EyeSee3D: a low-cost approach for analyzing mobile 3D eye tracking data using computer vision and augmented reality technology
T Pfeiffer, P Renner
Proceedings of the Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, 369-376, 2014
In-situ instructions exceed side-by-side instructions in augmented reality assisted assembly
J Blattgerste, P Renner, B Strenge, T Pfeiffer
Proceedings of the 11th PErvasive technologies related to assistive …, 2018
Combining Simulation and Augmented Reality Methods for Enhanced Worker Assistance in Manual Assembly
E Lampen, J Teuber, F Gaisbauer, T Bär, T Pfeiffer, S Wachsmuth
Procedia CIRP 81, 588-593, 2019
Towards gaze interaction in immersive virtual reality: Evaluation of a monocular eye tracking set-up
T Pfeiffer
Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realität-Fünfter Workshop der GI-Fachgruppe VR/AR …, 2008
Realizing a low-latency virtual reality environment for motor learning
T Waltemate, F Hülsmann, T Pfeiffer, S Kopp, M Botsch
Proceedings of the 21st ACM symposium on virtual reality software and …, 2015
Pointing and reference reconsidered
A Lücking, T Pfeiffer, H Rieser
Journal of Pragmatics 77, 56-79, 2015
Agency detection in predictive minds: A virtual reality study
M Andersen, T Pfeiffer, S Müller, U Schjoedt
Religion, Brain & Behavior 9 (1), 52-64, 2019
Deixis: How to determine demonstrated objects using a pointing cone
A Kranstedt, A Lücking, T Pfeiffer, H Rieser, I Wachsmuth
Gesture in human-computer interaction and simulation, 300-311, 2006
Evaluation of attention guiding techniques for augmented reality-based assistance in picking and assembly tasks
P Renner, T Pfeiffer
Companion Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Intelligent …, 2017
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Articles 1–20