Soil characterisation using X-ray diffraction, photoacoustic spectroscopy and electron paramagnetic resonance RST Manhães, LT Auler, MS Sthel, J Alexandre, MSO Massunaga, ... Applied Clay Science 21 (5-6), 303-311, 2002 | 60 | 2002 |
Photothermal detection of adulterants in automotive fuels JAP Lima, MSO Massunaga, H Vargas, LCM Miranda Analytical chemistry 76 (1), 114-119, 2004 | 29 | 2004 |
Measurement of the thermal properties of liquid mixtures using a thermal wave interferometer JAP Lima, E Marin, MSO Massunaga, O Correa, SL Cardoso, H Vargas, ... Applied Physics B 73, 151-155, 2001 | 28 | 2001 |
Photoacoustic monitoring of internal plastification in poly (3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) copolymers: Measurements of thermal parameters RR Sanchez, JB Rieumont, SL Cardoso, MG Silva, MS Sthel, ... Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 10, 97-103, 1999 | 19 | 1999 |
Anais 45º Congresso Brasileiro de Cerâmica R Toledo, LT Auler, J Alexandre, MS Sthel, MSO Massunaga, DR Santos, ... Florianópolis, SC, 2601-2611, 2001 | 18 | 2001 |
Synchronization in large populations of limit cycle oscillators with long-range interactions MSO Massunaga, M Bahiana Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 168, 136-141, 2002 | 17 | 2002 |
Ethylene and CO 2 emission rates in tropical fruits investigated by infrared absorption techniques MG SILVA, JAP Lima, MS Sthel, E Marin, CEN Gatts, SL Cardoso, ... Analytical Sciences/Supplements 17 (0), s534-s537, 2002 | 16 | 2002 |
Photoacoustic spectroscopy applied to the study of clay soils DR Dos Santos, R Toledo, MSO Massunaga, JG Carrió, LT Auler, ... Review of scientific instruments 74 (1), 355-357, 2003 | 15 | 2003 |
Phenomenological model for cross-linked polymer blends MSO Massunaga, M Paniconi, Y Oono Physical Review E 56 (1), 723, 1997 | 15 | 1997 |
Order in two-dimensional oscillator lattices M Bahiana, MSO Massunaga Physical Review E 49 (5), R3558, 1994 | 15 | 1994 |
Monitoring of hydrocarbon vapor diffusion in air using a thermal wave interferometer JAP Lima, MG Da Silva, MSO Massunaga, E Marın, H Vargas, ... Journal of applied physics 91 (9), 5581-5586, 2002 | 12 | 2002 |
Characterization of the double sulfites Cu 2 SO 3· MSO 3· 2H 2 O (M= Cu, Fe, Mn or Cd) by photothermal techniques LA Silva, JB de Andrade, CM Araújo, O Nakamura, AF da Silva, ... Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 3 (21), 4800-4805, 2001 | 11 | 2001 |
Density mismatch in thin diblock copolymer films S Martins, WAM Morgado, MSO Massunaga, M Bahiana Physical Review E 61 (4), 4118, 2000 | 11 | 2000 |
Cell-dynamics modeling of oscillator systems M Bahiana, MSO Massunaga Physical Review E 52 (1), 321, 1995 | 10 | 1995 |
Diblock copolymer films: free-energy analysis WAM Morgado, S Martins, M Bahiana, MSO Massunaga Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 283 (1-2), 208-211, 2000 | 9 | 2000 |
Ensino de ciências naturais no ensino fundamental: os conteúdos de física nesta etapa da educação ECT MATOS, MSO MASSUNAGA SIMPÓSIO NACIONAL DE ENSINO DE FÍSICA 16, 2004 | 7 | 2004 |
On the use of the optothermal window technique for the determination of iron (II) content in fortified commercial milk SL Cardoso, CMF Dias, JAP Lima, MSO Massunaga, MG da Silva, ... Review of scientific instruments 74 (1), 712-715, 2003 | 6 | 2003 |
A simple model for the dynamics of photosynthesis MSO MASSUNAGA, CEN Gatts, AG Gomes, H Vargas Analytical Sciences/Supplements 17 (0), s29-s30, 2002 | 4 | 2002 |
Estudo das questões de Física da prova de Ciências da Natureza do ENEM JC Lopes, G Rubini, MOS Massunaga, MF Barroso Anais da Reunião da Associação Brasileira de Avaliação Educacional (ABAVE …, 2015 | 2 | 2015 |
Gravity effects on lamellar pattern formation in confined systems WAM Morgado, M Bahiana, S Martins, MSO Massunaga Computer physics communications 121, 327-329, 1999 | 2 | 1999 |