Knut Breivik
Knut Breivik
Senior scientist NILU - Norwegian institute for air research, Adjunct professor University of Oslo
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Cited by
Towards a global historical emission inventory for selected PCB congeners—a mass balance approach: 2. Emissions
K Breivik, A Sweetman, JM Pacyna, KC Jones
Science of the Total Environment 290 (1-3), 199-224, 2002
Towards a global historical emission inventory for selected PCB congeners—a mass balance approach: 2. Emissions
K Breivik, A Sweetman, JM Pacyna, KC Jones
Science of the Total Environment 290 (1-3), 199-224, 2002
Introduction to the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) and observed atmospheric composition change during 1972–2009
K Tørseth, W Aas, K Breivik, AM Fjæraa, M Fiebig, AG Hjellbrekke, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12 (12), 5447-5481, 2012
Global distribution and budget of PCBs and HCB in background surface soils: implications for sources and environmental processes
SN Meijer, WA Ockenden, A Sweetman, K Breivik, JO Grimalt, KC Jones
Environmental science & technology 37 (4), 667-672, 2003
Global fate of POPs: current and future research directions
R Lohmann, K Breivik, J Dachs, D Muir
Environmental pollution 150 (1), 150-165, 2007
Towards a global historical emission inventory for selected PCB congeners—a mass balance approach: 3. An update
K Breivik, A Sweetman, JM Pacyna, KC Jones
Science of the Total Environment 377 (2-3), 296-307, 2007
Primary sources of selected POPs: regional and global scale emission inventories
K Breivik, R Alcock, YF Li, RE Bailey, H Fiedler, JM Pacyna
Environmental pollution 128 (1-2), 3-16, 2004
Atmospheric monitoring of organic pollutants in the Arctic under the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP): 1993–2006
H Hung, R Kallenborn, K Breivik, Y Su, E Brorström-Lundén, K Olafsdottir, ...
Science of the Total Environment 408 (15), 2854-2873, 2010
PBDEs in European background soils: levels and factors controlling their distribution
A Hassanin, K Breivik, SN Meijer, E Steinnes, GO Thomas, KC Jones
Environmental science & technology 38 (3), 738-745, 2004
Tracking the global generation and exports of e-waste. Do existing estimates add up?
K Breivik, JM Armitage, F Wania, KC Jones
Environmental science & technology 48 (15), 8735-8743, 2014
Global historical stocks and emissions of PBDEs
G Abbasi, L Li, K Breivik
Environmental science & technology 53 (11), 6330-6340, 2019
Temporal trends of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in arctic air: 20 years of monitoring under the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP)
H Hung, AA Katsoyiannis, E Brorström-Lundén, K Olafsdottir, W Aas, ...
Environmental Pollution 217, 52-61, 2016
Use of α-, β-and γ-hexachlorocyclohexane in Europe, 1970–1996
K Breivik, JM Pacyna, J Münch
Science of the total environment 239 (1-3), 151-163, 1999
The global re-cycling of persistent organic pollutants is strongly retarded by soils
WA Ockenden, K Breivik, SN Meijer, E Steinnes, AJ Sweetman, KC Jones
Environmental Pollution 121 (1), 75-80, 2003
Relationships between organic matter, black carbon and persistent organic pollutants in European background soils: Implications for sources and environmental fate
JJ Nam, O Gustafsson, P Kurt-Karakus, K Breivik, E Steinnes, KC Jones
Environmental pollution 156 (3), 809-817, 2008
Model-based evaluation of the use of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons molecular diagnostic ratios as a source identification tool
A Katsoyiannis, K Breivik
Environmental pollution 184, 488-494, 2014
European atmospheric emissions of selected persistent organic pollutants, 1970–1995
JM Pacyna, K Breivik, J Münch, J Fudala
Atmospheric Environment 37, 119-131, 2003
Tracking the global distribution of persistent organic pollutants accounting for e-waste exports to developing regions
K Breivik, JM Armitage, F Wania, AJ Sweetman, KC Jones
Environmental science & technology 50 (2), 798-805, 2016
Spatial variability of POPs in European background air
AK Halse, M Schlabach, S Eckhardt, A Sweetman, KC Jones, K Breivik
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (4), 1549-1564, 2011
Record high peaks in PCB concentrations in the Arctic atmosphere due to long-range transport of biomass burning emissions
S Eckhardt, K Breivik, S Manø, A Stohl
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 7 (17), 4527-4536, 2007
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Articles 1–20