Content knowledge for teaching: What makes it special? DL Ball, MH Thames, G Phelps | 10941 | 2008 |
Effects of teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching on student achievement HC Hill, B Rowan, DL Ball American educational research journal 42 (2), 371-406, 2005 | 5544 | 2005 |
Developing Practice, Developing Practitioners: Toward a Practice-based Theory of Professional Education D Ball Teaching as the Learning Professional: Handbook of policy and practice …, 1999 | 5002 | 1999 |
Unpacking pedagogical content knowledge: Conceptualizing and measuring teachers' topic-specific knowledge of students HC Hill, DL Ball, SG Schilling Journal for research in mathematics education 39 (4), 372-400, 2008 | 3212 | 2008 |
The work of teaching and the challenge for teacher education D Loewenberg Ball, FM Forzani Journal of teacher education 60 (5), 497-511, 2009 | 2724 | 2009 |
Reform by the book: What is—or might be—the role of curriculum materials in teacher learning and instructional reform? DL Ball, DK Cohen Educational researcher 25 (9), 6-14, 1996 | 2415 | 1996 |
Knowing mathematics for teaching: Who knows mathematics well enough to teach third grade, and how can we decide? DL Ball, HC Hill, H Bass American Federation of Teachers, 2005 | 2344 | 2005 |
The mathematical understandings that prospective teachers bring to teacher education DL Ball The elementary school journal 90 (4), 449-466, 1990 | 2123 | 1990 |
Research on teaching mathematics: The unsolved problem of teachers’ mathematical knowledge DL Ball, ST Lubienski, DS Mewborn Handbook of research on teaching 4, 433-456, 2001 | 2061 | 2001 |
Resources, instruction, and research DK Cohen, SW Raudenbush, DL Ball Educational evaluation and policy analysis 25 (2), 119-142, 2003 | 2051 | 2003 |
With an eye on the mathematical horizon: Dilemmas of teaching elementary school mathematics DL Ball The elementary school journal 93 (4), 373-397, 1993 | 2005 | 1993 |
Interweaving content and pedagogy in teaching and learning to teach: Knowing and using mathematics DL Ball Multiple perspectives on the teaching and learning of mathematics/Ablex, 2000 | 1854 | 2000 |
Developing measures of teachers’ mathematics knowledge for teaching HC Hill, SG Schilling, DL Ball The elementary school journal 105 (1), 11-30, 2004 | 1826 | 2004 |
Mathematical knowledge for teaching and the mathematical quality of instruction: An exploratory study HC Hill, ML Blunk, CY Charalambous, JM Lewis, GC Phelps, L Sleep, ... Cognition and instruction 26 (4), 430-511, 2008 | 1712 | 2008 |
Bridging practices: Intertwining content and pedagogy in teaching and learning to teach DL Ball Journal of teacher education 51 (3), 241-247, 2000 | 1667 | 2000 |
The subject matter preparation of teachers DL Ball, GW McDiarmid National Center for Research on Teacher Education, 1989 | 1233 | 1989 |
Prospective elementary and secondary teachers' understanding of division DL Ball Journal for research in mathematics education 21 (2), 132-144, 1990 | 1224 | 1990 |
Research on teaching mathematics: Making subject matter knowledge part of the equation. DL Ball National Center for Research on Teacher Education, 116 Erickson Hall …, 1988 | 1085 | 1988 |
Toward a practice-based theory of mathematical knowledge for teaching DL Ball, H Bass Proceedings of the 2002 annual meeting of the Canadian Mathematics Education …, 2002 | 1031 | 2002 |
Instruction, capacity, and improvement DK Cohen | 1017 | 1999 |