Andrei N Ganshin
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Observation of an Inverse Energy Cascade in Developed Acoustic Turbulence<? format?> in Superfluid Helium
AN Ganshin, VB Efimov, GV Kolmakov, LP Mezhov-Deglin, ...
Physical review letters 101 (6), 065303, 2008
Critical Casimir Force in^{4} He Films: Confirmation of Finite-Size Scaling
A Ganshin, S Scheidemantel, R Garcia, MHW Chan
Physical review letters 97 (7), 75301, 2006
Rogue waves in superfluid helium
VB Efimov, AN Ganshin, GV Kolmakov, PVE McClintock, ...
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 185, 181-193, 2010
The Damping of a Quartz Tuning Fork in Superfluid 3He-B at Low Temperatures
DI Bradley, P Crookston, SN Fisher, A Ganshin, AM Guénault, RP Haley, ...
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 157, 476-501, 2009
Advances of the FRIB project
J Wei, H Ao, S Beher, N Bultman, F Casagrande, S Cogan, C Compton, ...
International Journal of Modern Physics E 28 (3), 1930003, 2019
Growth and dissolution kinetics of inclusions in phase-separated solid mixtures
AN Gan’shin, VN Grigor’ev, VA Maı̆danov, NF Omelaenko, AA Penzev, ...
Low Temperature Physics 25 (8), 592-606, 1999
Accelerator commissioning and rare isotope identification at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams
J Wei, H Ao, B Arend, S Beher, G Bollen, N Bultman, F Casagrande, ...
Modern Physics Letters A 37 (09), 2230006, 2022
Formation of a direct Kolmogorov-like cascade of second-sound waves in He II
GV Kolmakov, VB Efimov, AN Ganshin, PVE McClintock, ...
Physical review letters 97 (15), 155301, 2006
Kinetics of growth and dissolution of 3He inclusions in stratified 4He solid solutions
AN Gan'shin, VN Grigor'ev, VA Majdanov, NF Omelaenko, AA Penzev, ...
Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur 25 (8/9), 796-814, 1999
Kinetics of growth and dissolution of 3 He inclusions in stratified 4 He solid solutions
AN Gan’shin, VN Grigor’ev, VA Maĭdanov, NF Omelaenko, AA Penzev, ...
Low Temperature Physics Fiz. Nizk. Temp 25, 796, 1999
Influence of supercooling level on kinetics of phase separation in solid mixtures of 4He in 3He
A Penzev, A Ganshin, V Grigor'ev, V Maidanov, E Rudavskii, A Rybalko, ...
Journal of low temperature physics 126, 151-156, 2002
The FRIB superconducting linac-status and plans
J Wei, H Ao, S Beher, N Bultman, F Casagrande, C Compton, L Dalesio, ...
28th Linear Accelerator Conf.(LINAC'16), East Lansing, MI, USA, 25-30 …, 2017
Nonmonotonic temperature dependence of the mass transfer rate during isotopic phase separation of solid mixtures
AN Gan’shin, VN Grigor’ev, VA Maidanov, NF Omelaenko, AA Penzev, ...
Low Temperature Physics 25 (4), 259-262, 1999
Study of phase separation kinetics of solid mixtures by precision pressure measurements
AN Ganshin, VA Maidanov, NF Omelaenko, AA Penzev, EY Rudavskii, ...
Low Temperature Physics 24 (9), 611-616, 1998
VA Ma danov, NF Omelaenko, AA Penzev
AN Gan’shin, VN Grigor’ev
É. Ya. Rudavski, AS Rybalko, and Yu. A. Tokar’, Fiz. Nizk. Temp 25, 796, 1999
The Onset of Vortex Production by a Vibrating Wire in Superfluid 3He-B
DI Bradley, SN Fisher, A Ganshin, AM Guénault, RP Haley, MJ Jackson, ...
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 171, 582-588, 2013
Threshold Effect During Dissolution of 3He Inclusions in Solid 4He
A Ganshin, V Grigor'ev, V Maidanov, N Omelaenko, A Penzev, ...
Journal of low temperature physics 116, 349-357, 1999
Study into phase separation kinetics of solid 3He-4He solutions by measuring pressure precisely
AN Gan'shin, VA Majdanov, NF Omelaenko, AA Penzev, E Rudavskij, ...
Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur 24 (9), 815-822, 1998
Phase separation curve of dilute He–He hcp solid solutions
AN Gan’shin, VN Grigor’ev, VA Maĭdanov, NF Omelaenko, AA Penzev, ...
Low Temperature Physics 26, 869, 2000
Completion of FRIB superconducting linac and phased beam commissioning
T Xu, Y Al-Mahmound, J Asciutto, H Ao, B Bird, B Bullock, NK Bultman, ...
Proc. SRF’21, 197-202, 2021
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Articles 1–20