Jeroen Benjamins
Cited by
Cited by
Genome-wide analysis of insomnia in 1,331,010 individuals identifies new risk loci and functional pathways
PR Jansen, K Watanabe, S Stringer, N Skene, J Bryois, ...
Nature genetics 51 (3), 394-403, 2019
The Amsterdam Resting-State Questionnaire reveals multiple phenotypes of resting-state cognition
BA Diaz, S Van Der Sluis, S Moens, JS Benjamins, F Migliorati, D Stoffers, ...
Frontiers in human neuroscience 7, 446, 2013
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Eye tracking: empirical foundations for a minimal reporting guideline
K Holmqvist, SL Örbom, ITC Hooge, DC Niehorster, RG Alexander, ...
Behavior research methods 55 (1), 364-416, 2023
Insomnia disorder subtypes derived from life history and traits of affect and personality
TF Blanken, JS Benjamins, D Borsboom, JK Vermunt, C Paquola, ...
The Lancet Psychiatry 6 (2), 151-163, 2019
Slow dissolving of emotional distress contributes to hyperarousal
R Wassing, JS Benjamins, K Dekker, S Moens, K Spiegelhalder, B Feige, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (9), 2538-2543, 2016
Insomnia heterogeneity: characteristics to consider for data-driven multivariate subtyping
JS Benjamins, F Migliorati, K Dekker, R Wassing, S Moens, TF Blanken, ...
Sleep Medicine Reviews 36, 71-81, 2017
Orbitofrontal gray matter relates to early morning awakening: a neural correlate of insomnia complaints?
D Stoffers, S Moens, J Benjamins, MJ van Tol, BWJH Penninx, ...
Frontiers in neurology 3, 105, 2012
The ARSQ 2.0 reveals age and personality effects on mind-wandering experiences
BA Diaz, S Van Der Sluis, JS Benjamins, D Stoffers, R Hardstone, ...
Frontiers in psychology 5, 271, 2014
Wake high-density electroencephalographic spatiospectral signatures of insomnia
MA Colombo, JR Ramautar, Y Wei, G Gomez-Herrero, D Stoffers, ...
Sleep 39 (5), 1015-1027, 2016
GlassesViewer: Open-source software for viewing and analyzing data from the Tobii Pro Glasses 2 eye tracker
DC Niehorster, RS Hessels, JS Benjamins
Behavior Research Methods 52 (3), 1244-1253, 2020
Social media, body image and resistance training: creating the perfect ‘me’with dietary supplements, anabolic steroids and SARM’s
L Hilkens, M Cruyff, L Woertman, J Benjamins, C Evers
Sports medicine-open 7, 1-13, 2021
Overnight worsening of emotional distress indicates maladaptive sleep in insomnia
R Wassing, JS Benjamins, LM Talamini, F Schalkwijk, EJW Van Someren
Sleep 42 (4), zsy268, 2019
How to form good habits? A longitudinal field study on the role of self-control in habit formation
A Van der Weiden, J Benjamins, M Gillebaart, JF Ybema, D De Ridder
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 494700, 2020
Processing of visual semantic information to concrete words: temporal dynamics and neural mechanisms indicated by event-related brain potentials
HT Van Schie, AA Wijers, RB Mars, JS Benjamins, LA Stowe
Cognitive Neuropsychology 22 (3-4), 364-386, 2005
When in doubt, follow the crowd? Responsiveness to social proof nudges in the absence of clear preferences
TAG Venema, FM Kroese, JS Benjamins, DTD De Ridder
Frontiers in psychology 11, 1385, 2020
An eye-tracking approach to Autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR): The physiology and nature of tingles in relation to the pupil
NV Valtakari, ITC Hooge, JS Benjamins, A Keizer
PloS one 14 (12), e0226692, 2019
A validation of automatically-generated areas-of-interest in videos of a face for eye-tracking research
RS Hessels, JS Benjamins, THW Cornelissen, ITC Hooge
Frontiers in psychology 9, 1367, 2018
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptom severity and sleep problems in adult participants of the Netherlands sleep registry
SWN Vogel, D Bijlenga, JS Benjamins, ATF Beekman, JJS Kooij, ...
Sleep medicine 40, 94-102, 2017
Task-related gaze control in human crowd navigation
RS Hessels, AJ Van Doorn, JS Benjamins, GA Holleman, ITC Hooge
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 82, 2482-2501, 2020
How robust are wearable eye trackers to slow and fast head and body movements?
ITC Hooge, DC Niehorster, RS Hessels, JS Benjamins, M Nyström
Behavior Research Methods 55 (8), 4128-4142, 2023
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Articles 1–20