Yannick Cornet
Yannick Cornet
Senior Researcher, Department of International Research Projects (ERAdiate+), University of Žilina
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Cited by
High Speed Rail: Implications for carbon emissions and biodiversity
Y Cornet, G Dudley, D Banister
Case studies on transport policy 6 (3), 376-390, 2018
Worthwhile travel time: a conceptual framework of the perceived value of enjoyment, productivity and fitness while travelling
Y Cornet, G Lugano, C Georgouli, D Milakis
Transport Reviews 42 (5), 580-603, 2022
Applying sustainability theory to transport infrastructure assessment using a multiplicative AHP decision support model
MR Pryn, Y Cornet, KB Salling
Transport 30 (3), 330-341, 2015
Building a metaframework for sustainable transport indicators: Review of selected contributions
Y Cornet, H Gudmundsson
Transportation Research Record 2531 (1), 103-112, 2015
Travellers’ use and perception of travel time in long-distance trips in Europe
E Malichová, Y Cornet, M Hudák
Travel Behaviour and Society 27, 95-106, 2022
Measuring road space consumption by transport modes
ME Will, T Munshi, Y Cornet
Journal of Transport and Land Use 13 (1), 651-669, 2020
Giving current and future generations a real voice: a practical method for constructing sustainability viewpoints in transport appraisal
Y Cornet, MJ Barradale, MB Barfod, R Hickman
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 18 (3), 316-339, 2018
Developing assessment criteria for sustainable transport appraisal
MJ Barradale, Y Cornet
Transportation Research Record 2672 (3), 104-117, 2018
Engaging Multiple Actors in Large‐Scale Transport Infrastructure Project Appraisal: An Application of MAMCA to the Case of HS2 High‐Speed Rail
Y Cornet, MJ Barradale, H Gudmundsson, MB Barfod
Journal of Advanced Transportation 2018 (1), 9267306, 2018
Reasonable travel time–the traveller’s perspective
D Banister, Y Cornet, M Givoni, G Lyons
A Companion to Transport, Space and Equity, 197-208, 2019
Worthwhile travel time: design challenges of capturing the user experience by smartphone
Y Cornet, MJ Barradale, J Bernardino, G Lugano
2019 Smart City Symposium Prague (SCSP), 1-9, 2019
From minimum to reasonable travel time
D Banister, Y Cornet, M Givoni, G Lyons
Proceedings of the World Conference on Transport Research (WCTRS), 2016
What's Your Value of Travel Time? Collecting Traveler-Centered Mobility Data via Crowdsourcing
C Consonni, S Basile, M Manca, L Boratto, A Freitas, T Kovacikova, ...
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 15 …, 2021
Indicators and beyond: Assessing the sustainability of transport projects
Y Cornet
Modelling the quality of user-perceived travel experience
A Karadimce, G Lugano, Y Cornet
1st International conference applied computer technologies (ACT 2018), 142-148, 2018
Worthwhile time in transport: Capturing the subjective value of the travel experience by smartphone
G Lugano, Y Cornet, A Karadimce
ICT Innovations, 205-222, 2018
Intelligent Transport Systems–From Research and Development to the Market Uptake: First International Conference, INTSYS 2017, Hyvinkää, Finland, November 29-30, 2017, Proceedings
T Kováčiková, Ľ Buzna, G Pourhashem, G Lugano, Y Cornet, N Lugano
Springer, 2018
Experiences, valuable activities, and worthwhile travel: A comparison of e-cycling and conventional cycling trips
H Hook, Y Cornet, E Malichová
Transport Research Arena 10th Conference, 2024
Sustainable and smart: the paradoxes of urban mobility innovations
C Georgouli, Y Cornet, T Petrov, E Malichová, L Števárová, G Yiangou, ...
Transportation Research Procedia 72, 4239-4246, 2023
Worthwhile travel time: how do travel activities contribute to perceived values of travel time? Insights from European-wide app-based travel data
E Malichová, V Van Acker, Y Cornet, D Milakis
Transportation Research Procedia 72, 2612-2619, 2023
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