Dibu Philip
Cited by
Cited by
Improved Insights on Financial Health through Partially Constrained Hidden Markov Model Clustering on Loan Repayment Data
DJ Philip, N Sudarsanam, B Ravindran
ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems 49 (3 …, 2018
Doa estimation using compressive beamforming in shallow ocean using acoustic vector sensors
NS Kumar, DJ Philip, C Bhattacharya
2012 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), 551-554, 2012
Source number estimation in shallow ocean by acoustic vector sensor array using Gerschgorin disks
NS Kumar, GV Anand, S Roul, DJ Philip
2012 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and …, 2012
Quantifying and predicting prepayments in the microfinance environment
N Sudarsanam, DJ Philip
NSE-IFMR Finance Foundation Financial Deepening and Household Finance …, 2016
Predictive and prescriptive governance - improved delivery of government services
SK Misra, DJ Philip
AI for Social Good Workshop, International Joint Conferences on Arti ficial …, 2019
A Partial Parameter HMM Based Clustering on Loan Repayment Data: Insights into Financial Behavior and Intent to Repay
D Philip, N Sudarsanam, B Ravindran
Source Number Estimation in Shallow Ocean by Gerschgorin Disks Using Acoustic Vector Sensor Array
NS Kumar, DJ Philip, GV Anand
Journal of Network and Innovative Computing 1 (2013), 109-118, 2013
Underwater three-dimensional source localization in non-Gaussian noise using acoustic vector sensor array
DJ Philip, GV Anand, NS Kumar
2013 Ocean Electronics (SYMPOL), 1-9, 2013
Deriving insights from loan repayment data using extensions of hidden markov model clustering
DJ Philip
Chennai, 0
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Articles 1–9