Hierarchical microstructure and strengthening mechanisms of a CoCrFeNiMn high entropy alloy additively manufactured by selective laser melting ZG Zhu, QB Nguyen, FL Ng, XH An, XZ Liao, PK Liaw, SML Nai, J Wei Scripta Materialia 154, 20-24, 2018 | 573 | 2018 |
Emerging contaminants in wastewater, stormwater runoff, and surface water: Application as chemical markers for diffuse sources NH Tran, M Reinhard, E Khan, H Chen, VT Nguyen, Y Li, SG Goh, ... Science of the Total Environment 676, 252-267, 2019 | 201 | 2019 |
Tribology characteristics of magnesium alloy AZ31B and its composites QB Nguyen, YHM Sim, M Gupta, CYH Lim Tribology International 82, 464-471, 2015 | 199 | 2015 |
Increasing significantly the failure strain and work of fracture of solidification processed AZ31B using nano-Al2O3 particulates QB Nguyen, M Gupta Journal of Alloys and Compounds 459 (1-2), 244-250, 2008 | 181 | 2008 |
Enhancing compressive response of AZ31B magnesium alloy using alumina nanoparticulates QB Nguyen, M Gupta Composites Science and Technology 68 (10-11), 2185-2192, 2008 | 178 | 2008 |
Effect of particle size on erosion characteristics VB Nguyen, QB Nguyen, YW Zhang, CYH Lim, BC Khoo Wear 348, 126-137, 2016 | 176 | 2016 |
Characteristics of inconel powders for powder-bed additive manufacturing QB Nguyen, MLS Nai, Z Zhu, CN Sun, J Wei, W Zhou Engineering 3 (5), 695-700, 2017 | 165 | 2017 |
The role of powder layer thickness on the quality of SLM printed parts QB Nguyen, DN Luu, SML Nai, Z Zhu, Z Chen, J Wei Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering 18, 948-955, 2018 | 162 | 2018 |
Slurry erosion characteristics and erosion mechanisms of stainless steel QB Nguyen, CYH Lim, VB Nguyen, YM Wan, B Nai, YW Zhang, M Gupta Tribology International 79, 1-7, 2014 | 130 | 2014 |
A combined numerical–experimental study on the effect of surface evolution on the water–sand multiphase flow characteristics and the material erosion behavior VB Nguyen, QB Nguyen, ZG Liu, S Wan, CYH Lim, YW Zhang Wear 319 (1-2), 96-109, 2014 | 125 | 2014 |
Effect of impact angle and testing time on erosion of stainless steel at higher velocities QB Nguyen, VB Nguyen, CYH Lim, QT Trinh, S Sankaranarayanan, ... Wear 321, 87-93, 2014 | 124 | 2014 |
Enhanced strength–ductility synergy and transformation-induced plasticity of the selective laser melting fabricated 304L stainless steel Z Zhu, W Li, QB Nguyen, X An, W Lu, Z Li, FL Ng, SML Nai, J Wei Additive Manufacturing 35, 101300, 2020 | 116 | 2020 |
Friction-stir welding of a ductile high entropy alloy: microstructural evolution and weld strength ZG Zhu, YF Sun, FL Ng, MH Goh, PK Liaw, H Fujii, QB Nguyen, Y Xu, ... Materials Science and Engineering: A 711, 524-532, 2018 | 101 | 2018 |
Development of new magnesium based alloys and their nanocomposites ME Alam, S Han, QB Nguyen, AMS Hamouda, M Gupta Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509 (34), 8522-8529, 2011 | 101 | 2011 |
High mechanical strengths and ductility of stainless steel 304L fabricated using selective laser melting QB Nguyen, Z Zhu, FL Ng, BW Chua, SML Nai, J Wei Journal of Materials Science & Technology 35 (2), 388-394, 2019 | 93 | 2019 |
Friction stir welding of a CoCrFeNiAl0. 3 high entropy alloy ZG Zhu, YF Sun, MH Goh, FL Ng, QB Nguyen, H Fujii, SML Nai, J Wei, ... Materials Letters 205, 142-144, 2017 | 92 | 2017 |
Enhancing compressive response of AZ31B using nano-Al2O3 and copper additions QB Nguyen, M Gupta Journal of Alloys and Compounds 490 (1-2), 382-387, 2010 | 89 | 2010 |
Investigation into tensile and compressive responses of Mg–ZnO composites KS Tun, P Jayaramanavar, QB Nguyen, J Chan, R Kwok, M Gupta Materials Science and Technology 28 (5), 582-588, 2012 | 84 | 2012 |
Sliding wear behaviour of AZ31B magnesium alloy and nano-composite M Srinivasan, C Loganathan, M Kamaraj, QB Nguyen, M Gupta, ... Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 22 (1), 60-65, 2012 | 82 | 2012 |
Microstructure and mechanical characteristics of AZ31B/Al2O3 nanocomposite with addition of Ca QB Nguyen, M Gupta Journal of Composite Materials 43 (1), 5-17, 2009 | 64 | 2009 |