amitabha mukerjee
Cited by
Cited by
A qualitative model for space
A Mukerjee, G Joe
Texas A and M University. Computer Science Department, 1990
Multi–objective evolutionary algorithms for the risk–return trade–off in bank loan management
A Mukerjee, R Biswas, K Deb, AP Mathur
International Transactions in operational research 9 (5), 583-597, 2002
Non-linear dimensionality reduction by locally linear isomaps
A Saxena, A Gupta, A Mukerjee
International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 1038-1043, 2004
Self-calibration in robot manipulators
A Mukerjee, D Ballard
Proceedings. 1985 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2 …, 1985
Contextual rnn-gans for abstract reasoning diagram generation
A Ghosh, V Kulharia, A Mukerjee, V Namboodiri, M Bansal
arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.09444, 2016
Conceptual description of visual scenes from linguistic models
A Mukerjee, K Gupta, S Nautiyal, MP Singh, N Mishra
Image and Vision Computing 18 (2), 173-187, 2000
Detecting complex predicates in hindi using pos projection across parallel corpora
A Mukerjee, A Soni, AM Raina
Proceedings of the Workshop on Multiword Expressions: Identifying and …, 2006
Efficient occlusion handling for multiple agent tracking by reasoning with surveillance event primitives
P Guha, A Mukerjee, KS Venkatesh
2005 IEEE International Workshop on Visual Surveillance and Performance …, 2005
Robust facial expression recognition using spatially localized geometric model
A Saxena, A Anand, A Mukerjee
International conf systemics, cybernetics and informatics (ICSCI), 2004
Anomaly localization in topic-based analysis of surveillance videos
D Pathak, A Sharang, A Mukerjee
2015 IEEE winter conference on applications of computer vision, 389-395, 2015
Cricket activity detection
A Kumar, J Garg, A Mukerjee
International Image Processing, Applications and Systems Conference, 1-6, 2014
Confidence based updation of motion conspicuity in dynamic scenes
VK Singh, S Maji, A Mukerjee
The 3rd Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV'06), 13-13, 2006
Neat versus scruffy: a review of computational models for spatial expressions
A Mukerjee
Representation and processing of spatial expressions, 1-35, 1998
Neat vs scruffy: A survey of computational models for spatial expressions
A Mukerjee
Computational representation and processing of spatial expressions, 1998
A bilingual parser for Hindi, English and code-switching structures
P Goyal, MR Mital, A Mukerjee, AM Raina, D Sharma, P Shukla, K Vikram
10th Conference of The European Chapter, 15, 2003
Discovering implicit constraints in design
MM Dabbeeru, A Mukerjee
AI EDAM 25 (1), 57-75, 2011
A cost-effective multiple camera vision system using FireWire cameras and software synchronization
PK Rai, K Tiwari, P Guha, A Mukerjee
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on High Performance …, 2003
Learning the motion map of a robot arm with neural networks
JB Saxon, A Mukerjee
1990 IJCNN International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 777-782, 1990
Formulation, detection and application of occlusion states (oc-7) in the context of multiple object tracking
P Guha, A Mukerjee, VK Subramanian
2011 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based …, 2011
Intrusion detection and tracking with pan-tilt cameras
A Biswas, P Guha, A Mukerjee, KS Venkatesh
IET Digital Library, 2006
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Articles 1–20