Jari Pirhonen
Jari Pirhonen
Tutkija, Tampereen yliopisto
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“These devices have not been made for older people's needs”–Older adults' perceptions of digital technologies in Finland and Ireland
J Pirhonen, L Lolich, K Tuominen, O Jolanki, V Timonen
Technology in Society 62, 101287, 2020
The impact of Covid-19-related distancing on the well-being of nursing home residents and their family members: a qualitative study
J Paananen, J Rannikko, M Harju, J Pirhonen
International journal of nursing studies advances 3, 100031, 2021
Patient, resident, or person: Recognition and the continuity of self in long-term care for older people
J Pirhonen, I Pietilä
Journal of Aging Studies 35, 95-103, 2015
Good human life in assisted living for older people: What the residents are able to do and be
J Pirhonen
Tampere University Press, 2017
Can robots tackle late-life loneliness? Scanning of future opportunities and challenges in assisted living facilities
J Pirhonen, E Tiilikainen, S Pekkarinen, M Lemivaara, H Melkas
Futures 124, 102640, 2020
‘Old but not that old’: Finnish community-dwelling people aged 90+ negotiating their autonomy
J Pirhonen, H Ojala, K Lumme-Sandt, I Pietilä
Ageing & Society 36 (8), 1625-1644, 2016
Could robots strengthen the sense of autonomy of older people residing in assisted living facilities?—A future-oriented study
J Pirhonen, H Melkas, A Laitinen, S Pekkarinen
Ethics and Information Technology 22 (2), 151-162, 2020
Vulnerable bodies in human–robot interactions: Embodiment as ethical issue in robot care for the elderly
J Parviainen, J Pirhonen
Active and non-active agents: residents’ agency in assisted living
J Pirhonen, I Pietilä
Ageing & Society 38 (1), 19-36, 2018
Social robotics, elderly care, and human dignity: a recognition-theoretical approach
A Laitinen, M Niemelä, J Pirhonen
What social robots can and should do, 155-163, 2016
Sosiaalinen hyvinvointi turvaa terveyttä
P Fadjukoff, S Kainulainen, J Pirhonen, T Saaranen, H Valokivi, ...
Sosiaalilääketieteellinen aikakauslehti 59 (3), 327-335, 2022
Tunnustaminen ja sen vastavuoroisuus vanhustyössä
J Pirhonen
Ruptures of affiliation: social isolation in assisted living for older people
J Pirhonen, E Tiilikainen, I Pietilä
Ageing & Society 38 (9), 1868-1886, 2018
Etäläheiset–hoivakotien koronaeristys asukkaiden läheisten kokemana
J Pirhonen, K Blomqvist, M Harju, R Laakkonen, M Lemivaara
Gerontologia 34 (3), 178-192, 2020
Hyvinvointi vanhuudessa–valmistautumista, sopeutumista, luopumista ja hyväksymistä
J Pirhonen, K Tuominen, O Jolanki, M Jylhä
Gerontologia 33 (3), 105-120, 2019
Demands of dignity in robotic care: Recognizing vulnerability, agency, and subjectivity in robot-based, robot-assisted, and teleoperated elderly care
A Laitinen, M Niemelä, J Pirhonen
Perceived resident–facility fit and sense of control in assisted living
J Pirhonen, I Pietilä
Journal of Aging Studies 38, 47-56, 2016
Yksin yhteisössä–tutkimuskohteena tehostettu palveluasuminen
J Pirhonen, E Tiilikainen, M Lemivaara
Gerontologia 30 (2), 119-130, 2016
Dignity and the capabilities approach in long‐term care for older people
J Pirhonen
Nursing Philosophy 16 (1), 29-39, 2015
Sosiaali-ja terveydenhuollon perusarvojen jäljillä–avuntarpeen ja riippuvuuden tunnustaminen vanhuspalveluissa
J Pirhonen, J Pulkki
Janus Sosiaalipolitiikan ja sosiaalityön tutkimuksen aikakauslehti 24 (3), 2016
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Articles 1–20