Holly J Hassel
Cited by
Cited by
Occupy writing studies: Rethinking college composition for the needs of the teaching majority
H Hassel, JB Giordano
College Composition & Communication 65 (1), 117-139, 2013
Threshold concepts in women’s and gender studies: Ways of seeing, thinking, and knowing
C Launius, H Hassel
Routledge, 2022
" Don't Hate Me Because I'm Virtual": Feminist Pedagogy in the Online Classroom
N Chick, H Hassel
Feminist Teacher 19 (3), 195-215, 2009
The blurry borders of college writing: Remediation and the assessment of student readiness
H Hassel, J Giordano
College English 78 (1), 56-80, 2015
TYCA white paper on developmental education reforms
H Hassel, J Klausman, JB Giordano, M O'Rourke, L Roberts, P Sullivan, ...
Teaching English in the Two Year College 42 (3), 227, 2015
Pressing an ear against the hive: Reading literature for complexity
NL Chick, H Hassel, A Haynie
Pedagogy 9 (3), 399-422, 2009
‘Killer’Katniss and ‘lover boy’Peeta: Suzanne Collins’s defiance of gender-genred reading
E Lem, H Hassel
Of bread, blood and The Hunger Games: Critical essays on the Suzanne Collins …, 2012
Surviving sexism in academia
K Cole, H Hassel
Surviving Sexism in Academia (1st ed.). Routledge. https://doi. org/10.4324 …, 2017
Transfer institutions, transfer of knowledge: The development of rhetorical adaptability and underprepared writers
H Hassel, JB Giordano
Teaching English in the Two-Year College 37 (1), 24-40, 2009
Gender (ed) Identities
T Clasen, H Hassel
New York: Routledge, 2017
Feature: The Profession of Teaching English in the Two-Year College: Findings from the 2019 TYCA Workload Survey
E Suh, JB Giordano, B Griffiths, H Hassel, J Klausman, K Higgins, ...
Teaching English in the Two-Year College 48 (3), 332-349, 2021
Research gaps in teaching English in the two-year college
H Hassel
Teaching English in the Two-Year College 40 (4), 343-363, 2013
Surfacing the structures of patriarchy: teaching and learning threshold concepts in women's studies
H Hassel, A Reddinger, J Van Slooten
International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 5 (2), 18, 2011
Introduction: Writing assessment, placement, and the two-year college
C Toth, J Nastal, H Hassle, JB Giordano
Journal of Writing Assessment 12 (1), 2019
Forum on the Profession
L Arnold, L Brady, M Christensen, JB Giordano, H Hassel, E Nagelhout, ...
College English 73 (4), 409-427, 2011
Feature: Unpredictable Journeys: Academically At-Risk Students, Developmental Education Reform, and the Two-Year College
JB Giordano, H Hassel
Teaching English in the Two-Year College 43 (4), 371-390, 2016
First-year composition placement at openadmission, two-year campuses: Changing campus culture, institutional practice, and student success
H Hassel, JB Giordano
Open Words: Access and English Studies 5 (2), 29-59, 2011
Materiality and writing studies: Aligning labor, scholarship, and teaching
H Hassel, C Phillips
ncte. org, 2022
Heroes or sheroes
C Mains, BJ Ricca, H Hassel, L Rucker
Women in science fiction and fantasy 1, 179-190, 2009
Community college English faculty pandemic teaching: Adjustments in the time of COVID-19
B Griffiths, L Tinoco, JB Giordano, H Hassel, EK Suh, P Sullivan
Community Colleges’ Responses to COVID-19, 58-71, 2022
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