Pooya Jalaly Khalilabadi
Pooya Jalaly Khalilabadi
Cornell University
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On non-progressive spread of influence through social networks
MA Fazli, M Ghodsi, J Habibi, P Jalaly, V Mirrokni, S Sadeghian
Theoretical Computer Science 550, 36-50, 2014
Simple and efficient budget feasible mechanisms for monotone submodular valuations
P Jalaly, É Tardos
ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation (TEAC) 9 (1), 1-20, 2021
Social balance and signed network formation games
M Malekzadeh, M Fazli, PJ Khalilabadi, H Rabiee, M Safari
Proceedings of KDD workshop on Social Network Analysis (SNA-KDD), to appear, 2011
Computing equilibrium in matching markets
S Alaei, P Jalaly Khalilabadi, E Tardos
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, 245-261, 2017
On the edge Roman domination in graphs
S Akbari, S Ehsani, S Ghajar, PJ Khalilabadi, SS Sadeghabad
Preprint, 0
Learning and trust in auction markets
P Jalaly, D Nekipelov, E Tardos
arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.10672, 2017
Fairness, Learning and Efficiency in Markets with Budgeted Agents
P Jalaly Khalilabadi
Naturality of Network Creation Games, Measurement and Analysis
H Beyhaghi, Z Fahmi, MA Fazli, J Habibi, P Jalaly, MA Safari
2012 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks …, 2012
Euclidean Movement Minimization.
MA Fazli, MA Safari, N Anari, PJ Khalilabadi, M Ghodsi
CCCG, 2011
On the Spread of Influence through Cubic Networks
MA Fazli, M Ghodsi, J Habibi, P Jalaly, S Sadeghian
Lying Property in Balance Theory
MA Fazli, J Habibi, P Jalaly, S Sadeghian, MA Safari, H Shokri
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Articles 1–11