Gian Maria Campedelli
Cited by
Cited by
Exploring the Immediate Effects of COVID-19 Containment Policies on Crime: an Empirical Analysis of the Short-Term Aftermath in Los Angeles
GM Campedelli, A Aziani, S Favarin
American Journal of Criminal Justice, 2020
Disentangling community-level changes in crime trends during the COVID-19 pandemic in Chicago
GM Campedelli, S Favarin, A Aziani, A Piquero
Crime Science 9, 2020
Life-Course Criminal Trajectories of Mafia Members
GM Campedelli, F Calderoni, T Comunale, C Meneghini
Crime & Delinquency, 2019
Measuring Organised Crime Presence at the Municipal Level
M Dugato, F Calderoni, GM Campedelli
Social Indicators Research 147 (1), 237-261, 2020
A complex networks approach to find latent clusters of terrorist groups
GM Campedelli, I Cruickshank, KM Carley
Applied Network Science 4 (1), 1-22, 2019
Recruitment into Organized Crime: An Agent-Based Approach Testing the Impact of Different Policies
F Calderoni, GM Campedelli, S Aron, M Paolucci, G Andrighetto
Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 2021
Temporal Clustering of Disorder Events During the COVID-19 Pandemic
GM Campedelli, MR D'Orsogna
PLOS One, 2021
Recruitment into organised criminal groups: A systematic review
F Calderoni, GM Campedelli, T Comunale, ME Marchesi, EU Savona
Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, 1-28, 2020
Reducing cartel recruitment is the only way to lower violence in Mexico
R Prieto-Curiel, GM Campedelli, A Hope
Science 381 (6664), 1312-1316, 2023
Where are we? Using Scopus to map the literature at the intersection between artificial intelligence and research on crime
GM Campedelli
Journal of Computational Social Science 4 (2), 503-530, 2021
Security Governance: Mafia Control over Ordinary Crimes
A Aziani, S Favarin, GM Campedelli
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 1-49, 2019
Learning future terrorist targets through temporal meta-graphs
GM Campedelli, M Bartulovic, KM Carley
Nature Scientific Reports, 2021
Organized crime groups: A systematic review of individual-level risk factors related to recruitment
F Calderoni, T Comunale, GM Campedelli, M Marchesi, D Manzi, ...
Campbell Systematic Reviews, 2022
Systematic Review of the Social, Psychological and Economic Factors Relating to Involvement and Recruitment into Organized Crime
T Comunale, F Calderoni, MM Elena, E Superchi, GM Campedelli
Understanding Recruitment into Organized Crime and Terrorism, 175-204, 2020
Survival of the Recidivistic? Revealing Factors Associated with the Criminal Career Length of Multiple Homicide Offenders
GM Campedelli, E Yaksic
Homicide Studies, 2021
D1.1 – Report on factors relating to OC: Systematic review of the social, psychological and economic factors relating to criminalisation and recruitment to OC
EU Savona, F Calderoni, E Superchi, T Comunale, GM Campedelli, ...
Project Proton, 5-72, 2017
The Criminal Careers of Italian Mafia Members
EU Savona, F Calderoni, GM Campedelli, T Comunale, M Ferrarini, ...
Understanding Recruitment to Organized Crime and Terrorism, 241-267, 2020
Crime, inequality and public health: a survey of emerging trends in urban data science
M Luca, GM Campedelli, S Centellegher, M Tizzoni, B Lepri
Frontiers in Big Data 6, 1124526, 2023
Machine Learning for Criminology and Crime Research: At the Crossroads
GM Campedelli
Routledge, 2022
Explainable machine learning for predicting homicide clearance in the United States
GM Campedelli
Journal of Criminal Justice, 2022
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Articles 1–20