Jean-Pierre Gratier
Jean-Pierre Gratier
Université Grenoble Alpes
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The role of pressure solution creep in the ductility of the Earth’s upper crust
JP Gratier, DK Dysthe, F Renard
Advances in geophysics 54, 47-179, 2013
Kinetics of crack-sealing, intergranular pressure solution, and compaction around active faults
F Renard, JP Gratier, B Jamtveit
Journal of Structural Geology 22 (10), 1395-1407, 2000
Pressure solution in sandstones: influence of clays and dependence on temperature and stress
F Renard, P Ortoleva, JP Gratier
Tectonophysics 280 (3-4), 257-266, 1997
Enhanced deformation of limestone and sandstone in the presence of high pCO2 fluids
Y Le Guen, R Hellmann, M Collombet, JP Gratier, F Renard, E Brosse
Journal of Geophysical Research B: Solid Earth 112, B05421, 2007
Experimental pressure solution-deposition on quartz grains: the crucial effect of the nature of the fluid
JP Gratier, R Guiguet Irigm
Journal of Structural Geology 8 (8), 845-856, 1986
Aseismic sliding of active faults by pressure solution creep: Evidence from the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth
JP Gratier, J Richard, F Renard, S Mittempergher, ML Doan, G Di Toro, ...
Geology 39 (12), 1131-1134, 2011
How pressure solution creep and fracturing processes interact in the upper crust to make it behave in both a brittle and viscous manner
JP Gratier, F Renard, P Labaume
Journal of Structural Geology 21 (8), 1189-1197, 1999
Stylolites: A review
R Toussaint, E Aharonov, D Koehn, JP Gratier, M Ebner, P Baud, ...
Journal of Structural Geology 114, 163-195, 2018
Modeling fluid transfer along California faults when integrating pressure solution crack sealing and compaction processes
JP Gratier, P Favreau, F Renard
Journal of Geophysical Research 108 (B2), 28-52, 2003
Intense fracturing and fracture sealing induced by mineral growth in porous rocks
C Noiriel, F Renard, ML Doan, JP Gratier
Chemical Geology 269 (3-4), 197-209, 2010
Compaction and porosity reduction in carbonates: A review of observations, theory, and experiments
D Croize, F Renard, JP Gratier
Advances in geophysics 54, 181-238, 2013
The three-dimensional roughness of stylolites in limestones: roughness analysis and possible genetic implications
F Renard, JP Gratier, J Schmittbuhl, P Meakin, E Merino
Journal of geophysical research 109, B03209, 2004
A pressure solution creep law for quartz from indentation experiments
JP Gratier, R Guiguet, F Renard, L Jenatton, D Bernard
J. Geophys. Res 114, B03403, 2009
Transition between seismic and aseismic deformation in the upper crust
JP Gratier, JF Gamond
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 54 (1), 461-473, 1990
An integrated model for transitional pressure solution in sandstones
F Renard, A Park, P Ortoleva, JP Gratier
Tectonophysics 312 (2-4), 97-115, 1999
Dynamic fracturing by successive coseismic loadings leads to pulverization in active fault zones
FM Aben, ML Doan, TM Mitchell, R Toussaint, T Reuschlé, M Fondriest, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 121 (4), 2338-2360, 2016
Experimental pressure solution compaction of chalk in aqueous solutions, Part 2-deformation examined by SEM, porosimetry, synthetic permeability and X-ray com-puteruzed …
R Hellmann, PJN Renders, JP Gratier, R Guiguet
Water–Rock Interactions. The Geochemical Society, Special Publication, 129-152, 2002
Counterclockwise rotation of the western Alps since the Oligocene: New insights from paleomagnetic data
M Collombet, JC Thomas, A Chauvin, P Tricart, JP Bouillin, JP Gratier
Tectonics 21 (4), 14-1-14-15, 2002
Experimental pressure solution compaction of chalk in aqueous solutions. Part 1. Deformation behavior and chemistry
R Hellmann, PJN Renders, JP Gratier, R Guiguet
Water-Rock Interactions, Ore Deposits, and Environmental Geochemistry, 129-152, 2002
Deformation by solution-deposition, and re-equilibration of fluid inclusions in crystals depending on temperature, internal pressure and stress
JP Gratter, L Jenatton
Journal of structural geology 6 (1-2), 189-200, 1984
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Articles 1–20