Fumio Ito (伊藤文臣)
Fumio Ito (伊藤文臣)
Other names伊藤文臣, F. Ito, Ito, F.
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Cited by
Proposal of a peristaltic motion type duct cleaning robot for traveling in a flexible pipe
F Ito, T Kawaguchi, M Kamata, Y Yamada, T Nakamura
2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2019
Proposal for pipeline-shape measurement method based on highly accurate pipeline length measurement by IMU sensor using peristaltic motion characteristics
H Sato, Y Mano, F Ito, T Yasui, M Okui, R Nishihama, T Nakamura
2020 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics …, 2020
In-pipe inspection robot capable of actively exerting propulsive and tractive forces with linear antagonistic mechanism
F Ito, K Takaya, M Kamata, M Okui, Y Yamada, T Nakamura
IEEE Access 9, 131245-131259, 2021
Development of a compact pneumatic valve using rotational motion for a pneumatically driven mobile robot with periodic motion in a pipe
H Sato, K Uchiyama, Y Mano, F Ito, S Kurumaya, M Okui, Y Yamada, ...
IEEE Access 9, 165271-165285, 2021
Evaluation of optimal cleaning tools for the development of a cleaning robot for grease from ventilation ducts
Y Yamanaka, T Hitomi, F Ito, T Nakamura
Robotics for Sustainable Future: CLAWAR 2021 24, 348-356, 2022
Development of an earthworm-type electrical wire installation assistance robot using artificial muscles
F Ito, I Horiuchi, K Tsuru, T Nakamura
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 8 (5), 2999-3006, 2023
Antagonistic drive mechanism to increase impulsive force inspired by exoskeleton spring system of mantis shrimp
S Kurumaya, F Ito, R Ono, K Kagaya, T Nakamura
Proc. 23rd Int. Conf. Climbing Walking Robots Support Technol. for Mobile …, 2020
Development of a rotary cleaning mechanism using planetary gears for removing grease deposited in kitchen ventilation ducts
T Hitomi, Y Yamanaka, F Ito, T Nakamura
2022 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII), 473-478, 2022
Evaluation of Cleaning Performance of Duct Cleaning Robot Using Planetary Gear Mechanism
T Hitomi, Y Yamanaka, F Ito, T Nakamura
The Robotics and Mechatronics Conference 2022, 2P1-D03, 2022
Design of Grease Cleaning unit Using a Planetary Gear Mechanism for cleaning in kitchen ventilation ducts
T Hitomi, Y Yamanaka, F Ito, T Nakamura
SICE Domestic Conferences of the System Integration Division (SI2021), 2075-2078, 2021
Development of a Peristaltic-Movement Duct-Cleaning Robot for Application to Actual Environment-Examination of Brush Type and Installation Method to Improve Cleaning Efficiency–
F Ito, T Kawaguchi, Y Yamada, T Nakamura
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics 31 (6), 781-793, 2019
Traction Amplified Actuation System for Inspecting Narrow and Complex Pipes using Enhanced Linear Antagonistic Mechanism-Bend pipe Passage Model and Force Comparison
F Ito, Y Naruse, K Takaya, J Watanabe, T Nakamura
IEEE Access, 2023
Proposal of a Square-Duct Cleaning Mechanism Using a Noncircular Brush with a Planetary Gear Mechanism: Brush-Trajectory Design and Simulation
Y Yamanaka, T Hitomi, F Ito, T Nakamura
2022 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 1-6, 2022
Distributed Deployment With Multiple Moving Robots for Long Distance Complex Pipe Inspection
H Sato, K Uchiyama, F Ito, R Sawahashi, T Nakamura
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7 (4), 11252-11259, 2022
Instantaneous force generation mechanism based on the striking motion of mantis shrimp—design and control method of cavitation by simulation and experiment
F Ito, Y Ishii, S Kurumaya, K Kagaya, T Nakamura
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7 (4), 9342-9349, 2022
Instantaneous force generation mechanism based on the striking motion of mantis shrimp-Analytical and experimental verification of the increase in instantaneous force using …
F Ito, S Kurumaya, R Ono, K Kagaya, T Nakamura
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 6 (4), 6678-6685, 2021
MD-LUFFY: Massively Deformed Linearly-elongation-actuator Using Flexible Fiber and Yarn-Fundamental Characteristics on Elongation/contraction and Expansion rate
F Ito, T Itsuno, T Nakamura
2024 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM …, 2024
Residual Water Removal Mechanism for obtaining Clear Images with Sewer Pipe Inspection Robot
K Uchiyama, H Sato, F Ito, S Kurumaya, T Nakamura
Robotics for Sustainable Future: CLAWAR 2021 24, 143-153, 2022
中村太郎, 伊藤文臣
日本ロボット学会誌 40 (4), 304-309, 2022
Proposal for 3D-printed pneumatic artificial muscles-Effect of leaf spring stiffness on contraction amount and contraction force
F Ito, A Kojima, M Okui, T Nakamura
2020 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII), 1163-1167, 2020
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Articles 1–20