Taciana Pontual Falcão
Cited by
Cited by
A systematic literature review on teaching and learning introductory programming in higher education
RP Medeiros, GL Ramalho, TP Falcão
IEEE Transactions on Education 62 (2), 77-90, 2018
Exploring an approach based on digital games for teaching programming concepts to young children
TCS Gomes, TP Falcão, PCAR Tedesco
International journal of child-computer interaction 16, 77-84, 2018
What have you done! the role of'interference'in tangible environments for supporting collaborative learning.
TP Falcão, S Price
CSCL (1), 325-334, 2009
Towards a framework for investigating tangible environments for learning
S Price, JG Sheridan, TP Falcao, G Roussos
International Journal of Arts and Technology 1 (3-4), 351-368, 2008
Interfering and resolving: How tabletop interaction facilitates co-construction of argumentative knowledge
T Pontual Falcão, S Price
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 6, 539-559, 2011
The effect of representation location on interaction in a tangible learning environment
S Price, TP Falcão, JG Sheridan, G Roussos
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Tangible and Embedded …, 2009
Applications of learning analytics in high schools: A systematic literature review
EBG Sousa, B Alexandre, R Ferreira Mello, T Pontual Falcão, B Vesin, ...
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 4, 737891, 2021
Participatory methodologies to promote student engagement in the development of educational digital games
TP Falcão, FMA e Peres, DCS de Morais, G da Silva Oliveira
Computers & Education 116, 161-175, 2018
Technology and embodiment: Relationships and implications for knowledge, creativity and communication
S Price, G Roussos, TP Falcão, JG Sheridan
Beyond current horizons 29 (2009), 23, 2009
Where the attention is: Discovery learning in novel tangible environments
S Price, T Pontual Falcão
Interacting with Computers 23 (5), 499-512, 2011
Action and representation in tangible systems: implications for design of learning interactions
S Price, JG Sheridan, T Pontual Falcão
Proceedings of the fourth international conference on Tangible, embedded …, 2010
Informing design for tangible interaction: a case for children with learning difficulties
TP Falcão, S Price
Proceedings of the 9th international conference on interaction design and …, 2010
Perceptions and expectations about learning analytics from a brazilian higher education institution
TP Falcão, RF Mello, RL Rodrigues, JRB Diniz, YS Tsai, D Gašević
Proceedings of the tenth international conference on learning analytics …, 2020
aperta o play!” análise da interaçao exploratória em um jogo baseado em pensamento computacional
TP Falcão, R Barbosa
Anais do Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação, 2015
Tangibles for students with intellectual disabilities
TP Falcão, S Price
Proceedings of the 11th international conference on interaction design and …, 2012
Interfaces tangíveis para a educação
TP Falcão, AS Gomes
Brazilian symposium on computers in education (simpósio brasileiro de …, 2007
Avaliação de um jogo educativo para o desenvolvimento do pensamento computacional na educação infantil
T Gomes, P Barreto, IRA Lima, TP Falcão
Anais dos Workshops do Congresso Brasileiro de Informática na Educação 4 (1 …, 2015
Tecnologias na educaçao em computaçao: Primeiros referenciais
EL Bispo Junior, A Raabe, ES Matos, E Maschio, EF Barbosa, ...
Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação-RBIE 28, 509-527, 2020
Students' perceptions about learning analytics in a brazilian higher education institution
TP Falcao, R Ferreira, RL Rodrigues, J Diniz, D Gasevic
2019 ieee 19th international conference on advanced learning technologies …, 2019
Wii remotes as tangible exertion interfaces for exploring action-representation relationships
JG Sheridan, S Price, T Pontual-Falcao
Proc. Workshop on Whole Body Interaction (CHI 2009), 2009
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Articles 1–20