Dennis Dams
Dennis Dams
Senior Research Fellow, TNO-ESI
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Abstract interpretation of reactive systems
D Dams, R Gerth, O Grumberg
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) 19 (2), 253-291, 1997
Abstract interpretation and partition refinement for model checking
DR Dams
Geometrical guidance and trapping transition of human sperm cells
A Guidobaldi, Y Jeyaram, I Berdakin, VV Moshchalkov, CA Condat, ...
Physical Review E 89 (3), 032720, 2014
Generation of reduced models for checking fragments of CTL
D Dams, O Grumberg, R Gerth
Computer Aided Verification: 5th International Conference, CAV'93 Elounda …, 1993
Symmetric spin
D Bošnački, D Dams, L Holenderski
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 4, 92-106, 2002
Bottom-up abstract interpretation of logic programs
M Codish, D Dams, E Yardeni
Theoretical Computer Science 124 (1), 93-125, 1994
Incremental algorithms for inter-procedural analysis of safety properties
CL Conway, KS Namjoshi, D Dams, SA Edwards
Computer Aided Verification: 17th International Conference, CAV 2005 …, 2005
Derivation and safety of an abstract unification algorithm for groundness and aliasing analysis
M Codish, D Dams, E Yardeni
Logic Programming-Proceedings of the 8th International Conference, 1991
Integrating real time into Spin: A prototype implementation
D Bošnački, D Dams
International Conference on Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification …, 1998
Abstract interpretation of reactive systems : abstractions preserving CTL*, CTL* and CTL
DR Dams, O Grumberg, RT Gerth
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 1994
The existence of finite abstractions for branching time model checking
D Dams, KS Namjoshi
Proceedings of the 19th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science …, 2004
Iterating transducers
D Dams, Y Lakhnech, M Steffen
Computer Aided Verification: 13th International Conference, CAV 2001 Paris …, 2001
Shape analysis through predicate abstraction and model checking
D Dams, KS Namjoshi
International Workshop on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract …, 2002
Automata as abstractions
D Dams, KS Namjoshi
Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation: 6th International …, 2005
Model checking SDL with Spin
D Bošnački, D Dams, L Holenderski, N Sidorova
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 6th …, 2000
A heuristic for the automatic generation of ranking functions
D Dams, R Gerth, O Grumberg
Workshop on advances in verification, 1-8, 2000
Partial-order reduction techniques for real-time model checking
D Dams, R Gerth, B Knaack, R Kuiper
Formal Aspects of Computing 10, 469-482, 1998
Discrete-time promela and spin
D Bošnački, D Dams
International Symposium on Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault-Tolerant …, 1998
Model checking using adaptive state and data abstraction
D Dams, R Gerth, G Döhmen, R Herrmann, P Kelb, H Pargmann
Computer Aided Verification: 6th International Conference, CAV'94 Stanford …, 1994
Validation of mission critical software design and implementation using model checking [spacecraft]
PJ Pingree, E Mikk, GJ Holzmann, MH Smith, D Dams
Proceedings. The 21st Digital Avionics Systems Conference 1, 6A4-6A4, 2002
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Articles 1–20