Guobin Xu
Guobin Xu
Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Science, Morgan State University
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Cited by
Toward integrating distributed energy resources and storage devices in smart grid
G Xu, W Yu, D Griffith, N Golmie, P Moulema
IEEE internet of things journal 4 (1), 192-204, 2016
On false data injection attacks against distributed energy routing in smart grid
J Lin, W Yu, X Yang, G Xu, W Zhao
2012 IEEE/ACM Third International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems, 183-192, 2012
A cloud computing based network monitoring and threat detection system for critical infrastructures
Z Chen, G Xu, V Mahalingam, L Ge, J Nguyen, W Yu, C Lu
Big Data Research 3, 10-23, 2016
A cloud computing based architecture for cyber security situation awareness
W Yu, G Xu, Z Chen, P Moulema
2013 iEEE conference on communications and network security (cNS), 488-492, 2013
On data integrity attacks against real-time pricing in energy-based cyber-physical systems
X Zhang, X Yang, J Lin, G Xu, W Yu
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 28 (1), 170-187, 2016
Towards statistical modeling and machine learning based energy usage forecasting in smart grid
W Yu, D An, D Griffith, Q Yang, G Xu
ACM SIGAPP Applied Computing Review 15 (1), 6-16, 2015
Cloud storage for electronic health records based on secret sharing with verifiable reconstruction outsourcing
H Zhang, J Yu, C Tian, P Zhao, G Xu, J Lin
IEEE Access 6, 40713-40722, 2018
Practical and secure outsourcing algorithms for solving quadratic congruences in internet of things
H Zhang, J Yu, C Tian, G Xu, P Gao, J Lin
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (4), 2968-2981, 2020
A cloud computing based system for cyber security management
G Xu, W Yu, Z Chen, H Zhang, P Moulema, X Fu, C Lu
International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems 30 (1 …, 2015
Towards neural network based malware detection on android mobile devices
W Yu, L Ge, G Xu, X Fu
Cybersecurity systems for human cognition augmentation, 99-117, 2014
Towards online deep learning-based energy forecasting
F Liang, WG Hatcher, G Xu, J Nguyen, W Liao, W Yu
2019 28th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks …, 2019
A deep learning-based weather forecast system for data volume and recency analysis
J Booz, W Yu, G Xu, D Griffith, N Golmie
2019 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications …, 2019
On distributed energy routing protocols in the smart grid
J Lin, W Yu, D Griffith, X Yang, G Xu, C Lu
Software engineering, artificial intelligence, networking and parallel …, 2013
On statistical modeling and forecasting of energy usage in smart grid
W Yu, D An, D Griffith, Q Yang, G Xu
Proceedings of the 2014 conference on research in adaptive and convergent …, 2014
An overview of quantum-safe approaches: quantum key distribution and post-quantum cryptography
G Xu, J Mao, E Sakk, SP Wang
2023 57th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), 1-6, 2023
A faramework for cyber–physical system security situation awareness
W Yu, G Xu, K Pham, E Blasch, G Chen, D Shen, P Moulema
Principles of Cyber–Physical Systems: An Interdisciplinary Approach …, 2020
Priority-aware reinforcement-learning-based integrated design of networking and control for Industrial Internet of Things
H Xu, X Liu, WG Hatcher, G Xu, W Liao, W Yu
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (6), 4668-4680, 2020
A unified framework for secured energy resource management in smart grid
G Xu, P Moulema, L Ge, H Song, W Yu
Smart Grid: Networking, Data Management, and Business Models 2016, 73-96, 2016
On effectiveness of routing algorithms for satellite communication networks
W Yu, S Wei, G Xu, G Chen, K Pham, EP Blasch, C Lu
Sensors and Systems for Space Applications VI 8739, 249-256, 2013
A threat monitoring system for smart mobiles in enterprise networks
W Yu, Z Chen, G Xu, S Wei, N Ekedebe
Proceedings of the 2013 Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems, 300-305, 2013
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Articles 1–20