Amélie Neuville
Amélie Neuville
Postdoc, IRIS, Stavanger, Norway / UiO
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Fracture roughness and thermal exchange: a case study at Soultz-sous-Forêts
A Neuville, R Toussaint, J Schmittbuhl
Comptes Rendus Geoscience 342 (7-8), 616-625, 2010
Hydrothermal coupling in a self-affine rough fracture
A Neuville, J Toussaint, R and Schmittbuhl
Phys. Rev. E 82, 036317, 2010
Xurography for microfluidics on a reactive solid
A Neuville, L Renaud, TT Luu, MW Minde, E Jettestuen, JL Vinningland, ...
Lab on a Chip 17, 293-303, 2017
Hydraulic transmissivity and heat exchange efficiency of open fractures: a model based on lowpass filtered apertures
A Neuville, R Toussaint, J Schmittbuhl
Geophysical Journal International 186 (3), 1064-1072, 2011
Influence of asperities on fluid and thermal flow in a fracture: A coupled lattice Boltzmann study
A Neuville, EG Flekkøy, R Toussaint
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 118 (7), 3394-3407, 2013
Fracture aperture reconstruction and determination of hydrological properties: a case study at Draix (French Alps)
A Neuville, R Toussaint, J Schmittbuhl
Hydrological processes 26 (14), 2095-2105, 2012
Characterization of major discontinuities from borehole cores of the black consolidated marl formation of Draix (French Alps)
A Neuville, R Toussaint, J Schmittbuhl, D Koehn, JO Schwarz
Hydrological processes 26 (14), 2085-2094, 2012
Hydro-thermal flows in a rough fracture
A Neuville, R Toussaint, J Schmittbuhl
Euro-conference of Rock Physics and Geomechanics on'Natural Hazards: Thermo …, 2007
Comportement hydro-thermique d'un écoulement de fluide dans une fracture rugueuse: Modélisation et application à des massifs fracturés
A Neuville
Université de Strasbourg, 2010
Integrating and validating crowdsourced data for improved weather predictions in MET Nordic
A Neuville, TN Nipen, IA Seierstad, L Båserud, C Lussana
EMS2024, 2024
Revealing the strong backbone of natural granular flows using photoelastic methods
K Mair, A Neuville, J Barés, M Naylor, E Calder, I Butler
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 9073, 2018
Can we get a better knowledge on dissolution processes in chalk by using microfluidic chips?
A Neuville, M Minde, L Renaud, JL Vinningland, DK Dysthe, A Hiorth
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 15991, 2017
Chalk-calcite-microfluidic experiments: construction and flooding of microsystems with reactive fluids
A Neuville, T Thuy Luu, DK Dysthe, JL Vinningland, A Hiorth
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 12557, 2015
Reactive flow simulations: one-to-one comparison with experiments
JL Vinningland, A Neuville, J Pedersen, E Jettestuen, DK Dysthe, A Hiorth
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 15831, 2014
Infrared monitoring of hydrothermal echanges occurring in a fracture
A Neuville, E Flekkøy, O Galland, O Gundersen, K Jørgen Måløy
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 12403, 2014
Microdeformation experiments on chalk-fluids, fracture and creep
A Bergsaker, A Neuville, A Røyne, DK Dysthe
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 14902, 2014
Chalk-microfluidic: flooding microsystems with reactive fluids
A Neuville, DK Dysthe, L Li, A Hiorth
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 11953, 2014
Complex path flows in geological media imaged by X-Ray computed tomography
A Neuville, M Ebner, R Toussaint, F Renard, D Koehn, E Flekkøy, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU2013-12304, 2013
Hydro-thermal experiments and simulations within a granitic fracture
A Neuville, E Flekkøy, K Jørgen Måløy, R Toussaint, O Galland
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU2013-12392, 2013
Hydro-thermal exchanges in rough fractures: solving the equations with or without lubrication approximations?
A Neuville, EG Flekkøy, R Toussaint, KJ Mâløy, J Schmittbuhl
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 11216, 2012
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Articles 1–20