Reinholds Zviedris
Reinholds Zviedris
19 points
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Cited by
Real time pothole detection using android smartphones with accelerometers
A Mednis, G Strazdins, R Zviedris, G Kanonirs, L Selavo
2011 International conference on distributed computing in sensor systems and …, 2011
Towards vehicular sensor networks with android smartphones for road surface monitoring
G Strazdins, A Mednis, G Kanonirs, R Zviedris, L Selavo
2nd International Workshop on Networks of Cooperating Objects (CONET’11 …, 2011
Lynxnet: Wild animal monitoring using sensor networks
R Zviedris, A Elsts, G Strazdins, A Mednis, L Selavo
Real-World Wireless Sensor Networks: 4th International Workshop, REALWSN …, 2010
SADmote: a robust and cost-effective device for environmental monitoring
A Elsts, R Balass, J Judvaitis, R Zviedris, G Strazdins, A Mednis, L Selavo
Architecture of Computing Systems–ARCS 2012: 25th International Conference …, 2012
Virtual ground truth in vehicular sensing experiments: How to mark it accurately
G Strazdins, A Mednis, R Zviedris, G Kanonirs, L Selavo
Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Sensor Technologies and …, 2011
RFID communication: How well protected against reverse engineering?
A Mednis, R Zviedris
2012 Second International Conference on Digital Information Processing and …, 2012
Team “Latvia” GCDC 2011 Technical Paper
G Strazdins, A Gordjusins, G Kanonirs, V Kurmis, A Mednis, R Zviedris, ...
Heterogeneous tool kit for real-time edutainment
R Zviedris, A Mednis, G Mednis
International Scientific Conference: Applied Information and Communication …, 2012
Team University of Latvia GCDC 2011 Technical Paper
G Strazdins, A Gordjusins, G Kanonirs, V Kurmis, A Mednis, R Zviedris, ...
Electronically published by GCDC. net, HTAS & TNO, 2010
Objektu monitorings ar zema enerģijas patēriņa iegultām iekārtām un heterogēniem bezvadu sensoru tīkliem
R Zviedris
Latvijas Universitāte, 2015
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Articles 1–10