Mike Gruszczynski
Mike Gruszczynski
Assistant Professor, Political Communication, The Media School, Indiana University
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The political left rolls with the good and the political right confronts the bad: connecting physiology and cognition to preferences
MD Dodd, A Balzer, CM Jacobs, MW Gruszczynski, KB Smith, JR Hibbing
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 367 …, 2012
Information flow in the 21st century: The dynamics of agenda-uptake
M Gruszczynski, MW Wagner
Mass communication and society 20 (3), 378-402, 2017
The Physiology of Political Participation
MW Gruszczynski, A Balzer, CM Jacobs, KB Smith, JR Hibbing
Political Behavior 35 (1), 135-152, 2013
The influence of new and traditional media coverage on public attention to social movements: the case of the Dakota Access Pipeline protests
K Hunt, M Gruszczynski
Information, Communication, and Society, 2019
Who Gets Covered? Ideological Extremity and News Coverage of Members of the US Congress, 1993 to 2013
MW Wagner, M Gruszczynski
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 95 (3), 670-690, 2018
When Framing Matters: How Partisan and Journalistic Frames Affect Individual Opinions and Party Identification
MW Wagner, M Gruszczynski
Journalism & Communication Monographs, 1-44, 2016
Who is heard in climate change journalism? Sourcing patterns in climate change news in China, India, Singapore, and Thailand
SE Comfort, E Tandoc, M Gruszczynski
Climatic Change 158, 327-343, 2020
Political ingroup conformity and pro-environmental behavior: Evaluating the evidence from a survey and mousetracking experiments
N Geiger, MH Pasek, M Gruszczynski, NJ Ratcliff, KS Weaver
Journal of Environmental Psychology 72, 101524, 2020
The evolution of elite framing following enactment of legislation
MW Gruszczynski, S Michaels
Policy sciences 45, 359-384, 2012
Evidence of partisan agenda fragmentation in the American public, 1959–2015
M Gruszczynski
Public Opinion Quarterly 83 (4), 749-781, 2019
The Ratification of CEDAW and the Liberalization of Abortion Laws
K Hunt, M Gruszczynski
Politics & Gender 15, 722-745, 2019
Building the science news agenda: The permeability of science journalism to public relations
SE Comfort, M Gruszczynski, N Browning
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 101 (3), 637-656, 2024
Political attitudes vary with detection of androstenone
A Friesen, M Gruszczynski, KB Smith, JR Alford
Politics and the Life Sciences 39 (1), 26-37, 2020
New and traditional media reportage on electoral campaign controversies
M Gruszczynski
Controlling the message: New media in American political campaigns, 113-135, 2015
“Horizontal” Two-Step Flow: The Role of Opinion Leaders in Directing Attention to Social Movements in Decentralized Information Environments
K Hunt, M Gruszczynski
Mass Communication and Society 27 (2), 230-253, 2024
Political psychology and the climate crisis
N Geiger, J Swim, MW Gruszczynski
The Cambridge handbook of political psychology, 546-564, 2022
Emotion and public attention to political issues
MW Gruszczynski
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2013
Localized concerns, scientific argumentation, framing, and federalism: the case of Devils Lake water diversion
M Gruszczynski, S Michaels
Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research, 2014
How media storms and topic diversity influence agenda fragmentation
M Gruszczynski
International Journal of Communication 14, 22, 2020
Examining the role of affective language in predicting the agenda-setting effect
M Gruszczynski
APSA 2011 Annual Meeting Paper, 2011
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Articles 1–20