Kathryn Obenchain
Kathryn Obenchain
Other namesKM Obenchain
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Experiential education in the classroom and academic outcomes: For those who want it all
K Obenchain, B Ives
Journal of Experiential Education 29 (1), 61-77, 2006
The reliability of students' ratings of faculty teaching effectiveness
KM Obenchain, TV Abernathy, LR Wiest
College Teaching 49 (3), 100-104, 2001
50 social studies strategies for K-8 classrooms
KM Obenchain, RV Morris
Pearson Higher Ed, 2014
Behavior management making it work in middle and secondary schools
KM Obenchain, SS Taylor
The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas 79 …, 2005
Student ownership of service-learning projects: Including ourselves in our community
TV Abernathy, KM Obenchain
Intervention in School and Clinic 37 (2), 86-95, 2001
High school teachers' identities: Constructing civic selves
KM Obenchain, A Balkute, E Vaughn, S White
The High School Journal 99 (3), 252-278, 2016
Men's perceptions of their experiences as K-2 teachers
LR Wiest, ML Olive, KM Obenchain
Equity &Excellence in Education 36 (1), 82-95, 2003
Garnering civic hope: Social studies, expectations, and the lost civic potential of immigrant youth
RM Callahan, KM Obenchain
Theory & Research in Social Education 44 (1), 36-71, 2016
The past as a puzzle: How essential questions can piece together a meaningful investigation of history
KM Obenchain, A Orr, SH Davis
The Social Studies 102 (5), 190-199, 2011
Finding a civic voice: Latino immigrant youths' experiences in high school social studies
R Callahan, K Obenchain
The High School Journal 96 (1), 20-32, 2012
Educating for Critical Democratic Literacy
KM Obenchain, J Pennington
Routledge, 2015
“Mean girls” go to college: Exploring female–female relational bullying in an undergraduate literacy methods course.
CH Brock, EM Oikonomidoy, K Wulfing, JL Pennington, KM Obenchain
Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology 20 (4), 516, 2014
How to assess language in the social studies classroom
R Case, KM Obenchain
The Social Studies 97 (1), 41-48, 2006
Reading informational texts: A civic transactional perspective
JL Pennington, KM Obenchain, CH Brock
The Reading Teacher 67 (7), 532-542, 2014
Bridging worlds in the social studies classroom: Teachers’ practices and Latino immigrant youths’ civic and political development
RM Callahan, KM Obenchain
Youth engagement: The civic-political lives of children and youth, 97-123, 2013
Build community and empower students
KM Obenchain, TV Abernathy
Intervention in School and Clinic 39 (1), 55-60, 2003
Applying intergroup contact theory to social distance data from ethnic Hungarians and Romanians in Romania
B Ives, M Alama, E Oikonomidoy, K Obenchain
Journal of Contemporary European Studies 24 (3), 341-355, 2016
Fourth graders confront an injustice: The anti-bullying campaign—A social action inquiry project
E Vaughn, K Obenchain
The Social Studies 106 (1), 13-23, 2015
Preservice teachers’ understandings of social justice within the context of study abroad programs
J Newton, S Oudghiri, K Obenchain, JA Phillion
Theory into Practice 59 (3), 259-268, 2020
Angela: On a critical curve
KM Obenchain, JL Pennington, A Orr
Theory & Research in Social Education 38 (4), 486-514, 2010
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Articles 1–20