Irina Tal
Cited by
Cited by
Is multimedia multisensorial?-a review of mulsemedia systems
A Covaci, L Zou, I Tal, GM Muntean, G Ghinea
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 51 (5), 1-35, 2018
Adaptive traffic management for secure and efficient emergency services in smart cities
S Djahel, M Salehie, I Tal, P Jamshidi
2013 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2013
Can multisensorial media improve learner experience?
L Zou, I Tal, A Covaci, E Ibarrola, G Ghinea, GM Muntean
Proceedings of the 8th ACM on Multimedia Systems Conference, 315-320, 2017
Final frontier game: A case study on learner experience
N El Mawas, I Tal, AN Moldovan, D Bogusevschi, J Andrews, ...
CSEDU-10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, 2018
Water cycle in nature: Small-scale STEM education pilot
D Bogusevschi, I Tal, M Bratu, B Gornea, D Caraman, I Ghergulescu, ...
EdMedia+ Innovate Learning, 1496-1505, 2018
User-oriented fuzzy logic-based clustering scheme for vehicular ad-hoc networks
I Tal, GM Muntean
2013 IEEE 77th vehicular technology conference (VTC Spring), 1-5, 2013
An empirical study on the impact of GDPR and right to be forgotten-organisations and users perspective
V Mangini, I Tal, AN Moldovan
Proceedings of the 15th international conference on availability …, 2020
Investigating the impact of an adventure-based 3D solar system game on primary school learning process.
N El Mawas, I Tal, AN Moldovan, D Bogusevschi, J Andrews, ...
Knowledge Management & E-Learning 12 (2), 165-190, 2020
User-oriented cluster-based solution for multimedia content delivery over VANETs
I Tal, GM Muntean
IEEE international symposium on broadband multimedia systems and …, 2012
Vehicular-communications-based speed advisory system for electric bicycles
I Tal, B Ciubotaru, GM Muntean
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (6), 4129-4143, 2015
Mulsemedia in telecommunication and networking education: a novel teaching approach that improves the learning process
I Tal, L Zou, A Covaci, E Ibarrola, M Bratu, G Ghinea, GM Muntean
IEEE Communications Magazine 57 (11), 60-66, 2019
Towards reasoning vehicles: A survey of fuzzy logic-based solutions in vehicular networks
I Tal, GM Muntean
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 50 (6), 1-37, 2017
Irish attitudes toward COVID tracker app & privacy: sentiment analysis on Twitter and survey data
P Lohar, G Xie, M Bendechache, R Brennan, E Celeste, R Trestian, I Tal
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Availability …, 2021
A machine learning resource allocation solution to improve video quality in remote education
IS Comşa, A Molnar, I Tal, P Bergamin, GM Muntean, CH Muntean, ...
IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting 67 (3), 664-684, 2021
Quality of experience assessment of 3D video synchronised with multisensorial media components
J Monks, A Olaru, I Tal, GM Muntean
2017 IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and …, 2017
Trustworthy routing in VANET: a Q-learning approach to protect against black hole and gray hole attacks
EM Mianji, GM Muntean, I Tal
2023 IEEE 97th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2023-Spring), 1-6, 2023
A fast and effective graph-based resource allocation and power control scheme in vehicular network slicing
M Fardad, EM Mianji, GM Muntean, I Tal
2022 IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and …, 2022
Application of blockchain technology to 5g-enabled vehicular networks: survey and future directions
M Bendechache, T Saber, GM Muntean, I Tal
IEEE, 2020
Privacy in a time of covid-19: How concerned are you?
R Trestian, G Xie, P Lohar, E Celeste, M Bendechache, R Brennan, ...
IEEE Security & Privacy 19 (5), 26-35, 2021
Latency-aware V2X operation mode coordination in vehicular network slicing
M Fardad, GM Muntean, I Tal
2023 IEEE 97th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2023-Spring), 1-6, 2023
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Articles 1–20