Dina Fitria Murad
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Aplikasi Intelligence Website untuk Penunjang Laporan PAUD pada Himpaudi Kota Tangerang
DF Murad, N Kusniawati, A Asyanto
Creative Communication and Innovative Technology Journal 7 (1), 44-58, 2013
The impact of the covid-19 pandemic in indonesia (face to face versus online learning)
DF Murad, R Hassan, Y Heryadi, BD Wijanarko
2020 Third International Conference on Vocational Education and Electrical …, 2020
Recommendation system for smart LMS using machine learning: a literature review
DF Murad, Y Heryadi, BD Wijanarko, SM Isa, W Budiharto
2018 international conference on computing, engineering, and design (ICCED …, 2018
Personalization of study material based on predicted final grades using multi-criteria user-collaborative filtering recommender system
DF Murad, Y Heryadi, SM Isa, W Budiharto
Education and Information Technologies 25 (4), …, 2020
Development conceptual model and validation instrument for E-Learning succes model at universities in Indonesia: perspectives influence of instructor's activities and motivation
E Fernando, DF Murad, HLHS Warnars, K Oktriono
2019 International Congress on Applied Information Technology (AIT), 1-6, 2019
Learning support system using chatbot in" Kejar C Package" homeschooling program
DF Murad, M Irsan, PM Akhirianto, E Fernando, SA Murad, MH Wijaya
2019 international conference on information and communications technology …, 2019
Performance comparison of symmetries encryption algorithm AES and DES with raspberry pi
E Fernando, D Agustin, M Irsan, DF Murad, H Rohayani, D Sujana
2019 International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and …, 2019
Development of smart public transportation system in Jakarta city based on integrated IoT platform
DF Murad, BS Abbas, Agung Trisetyarso, Wayan Suparta, Chul-Ho Kang
2018 International Conference on Information and Communications Technology …, 2018
The Influence of Work Environment, Competence and Compensation on Employee Performance Through Intervening Variable Job Satisfaction at Bank BJB Tangerang Branch
SD Lestari, D Syabarudin, C Zurnali, DF Murad
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences …, 2018
Implementation of COBIT 5 framework for academic information system audit perspective: evaluate, direct, and monitor
DF Murad, E Fernando, M Irsan, RR Kosala, B Ranti, SH Supangkat
2018 International Conference on Applied Information Technology and …, 2018
Effect of education, performance, position and information technology competency of information systems to performance of information system
N Komalasari, DF Murad, D Agustine, M Irsan, J Budiman, E Fernando
2018 International Seminar on Research of Information Technology and …, 2018
Towards Smart LMS to Improve Learning Outcomes Students Using LenoBot with Natural Language Processing
DF Murad, AG Iskandar, E Fernando, TS Octavia, DE Maured
2019 6th International Conference on Information Technology, Computer and …, 2019
Migrating application from monolith to microservices
T Prasandy, DF Murad, T Darwis
2020 International Conference on Information Management and Technology …, 2020
User behavior adopt utilizing fin tech services on online transportation in Indonesia (Scale Validation and Developed Instrument)
E Fernando, AR Condrobimo, DF Murad, LM Tirtamulia, G Savina, ...
2018 International Conference on Information Management and Technology …, 2018
Periodic Historical System Sebagai Evaluasi Strategis Dalam Mendukung Pengambilan Keputusan Manajemen
U Rahardja, DF Murad, S Chalifatullah
Creative Communication And Innovative Technology Journal 1 (2), 154-164, 2008
Pengembangan Sistem Database Penempatan Tenaga Kerja Berbasis Web
A Martono, P Padeli, DF Murad
Creative Communication and Innovative Technology Journal 2 (3), 293-313, 2009
Combining UEQ and Eye-Tracking Method as Usability Evaluation for Mobile Apps
I Julian, DF Murad, RY Riva'i
2021 3rd International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent System …, 2021
Visibile light communication technology for data transmission using li-fi
R Hassan, MS Flayyih, A Mahdi, A Inn, AS Sadeq, DF Murad
2020 2nd International Conference on Computer and Information Sciences …, 2020
Face recognition system using deep neural network with convolutional neural networks
E Fernando, D Andwiyan, DF Murad, D Touriano, M Irsan
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1235 (1), 012004, 2019
Classification and advantages parallel computing in process computation: A systematic literature review
E Fernando, DF Murad, BD Wijanarko
2018 international conference on computing, engineering, and design (ICCED …, 2018
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Articles 1–20