Ramin Aghababaei
Ramin Aghababaei
Associate Professor at Aarhus University
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Nonlocal third-order shear deformation plate theory with application to bending and vibration of plates
R Aghababaei, JN Reddy
Journal of Sound and Vibration 326 (1-2), 277-289, 2009
Modeling and simulation in tribology across scales: An overview
AI Vakis, VA Yastrebov, J Scheibert, L Nicola, D Dini, C Minfray, ...
Tribology International 125, 169-199, 2018
Critical length scale controls adhesive wear mechanisms
R Aghababaei, DH Warner, JF Molinari
Nature communications 7 (1), 11816, 2016
On the debris-level origins of adhesive wear
R Aghababaei, DH Warner, JF Molinari
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (30), 7935-7940, 2017
A mechanistic understanding of the wear coefficient: From single to multiple asperities contact
L Frérot, R Aghababaei, JF Molinari
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 114, 172-184, 2018
Asperity-level origins of transition from mild to severe wear
R Aghababaei, T Brink, JF Molinari
Physical review letters 120 (18), 186105, 2018
Emergence of self-affine surfaces during adhesive wear
E Milanese, T Brink, R Aghababaei, JF Molinari
Nature communications 10 (1), 1116, 2019
Micromechanics of material detachment during adhesive wear: A numerical assessment of Archard's wear model
R Aghababaei, K Zhao
Wear 476, 203739, 2021
Micromechanics of tensile twinning in magnesium gleaned from molecular dynamics simulations
R Aghababaei, SP Joshi
Acta materialia 69, 326-342, 2014
Adhesive wear mechanisms uncovered by atomistic simulations
JF Molinari, R Aghababaei, T Brink, L Frérot, E Milanese
Friction 6, 245-259, 2018
Adhesive wear law at the single asperity level
K Zhao, R Aghababaei
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 143, 104069, 2020
On the origins of third-body particle formation during adhesive wear
R Aghababaei
Wear 426, 1076-1081, 2019
Micromechanics of crystallographic size-effects in metal matrix composites induced by thermo-mechanical loading
R Aghababaei, SP Joshi
International Journal of Plasticity 42, 65-82, 2013
Grain size–inclusion size interaction in metal matrix composites using mechanism-based gradient crystal plasticity
R Aghababaei, SP Joshi
International Journal of Solids and Structures 48 (18), 2585-2594, 2011
Effect of adhesion on material removal during adhesive wear
R Aghababaei
Physical Review Materials 3 (6), 063604, 2019
How roughness emerges on natural and engineered surfaces
R Aghababaei, EE Brodsky, JF Molinari, S Chandrasekar
MRS bulletin 47 (12), 1229-1236, 2022
Role of interfacial adhesion on minimum wear particle size and roughness evolution
E Milanese, T Brink, R Aghababaei, JF Molinari
Physical Review E 102 (4), 043001, 2020
Cutting depth dictates the transition from continuous to segmented chip formation
R Aghababaei, M Malekan, M Budzik
Physical Review Letters 127 (23), 235502, 2021
Nonlocal continuum crystal plasticity with internal residual stresses
R Aghababaei, SP Joshi, JN Reddy
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 59 (3), 713-731, 2011
Interfacial plasticity controls material removal rate during adhesive sliding contact
K Zhao, R Aghababaei
Physical Review Materials 4 (10), 103605, 2020
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Articles 1–20