Reinaldo A. Valenzuela
Reinaldo A. Valenzuela
Dir. Wireless Comms. Research Dept., Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent
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V-BLAST: An architecture for realizing very high data rates over the rich-scattering wireless channel
PW Wolniansky, GJ Foschini, GD Golden, RA Valenzuela
1998 URSI international symposium on signals, systems, and electronics …, 1998
A statistical model for indoor multipath propagation
AAM Saleh, R Valenzuela
IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications 5 (2), 128-137, 1987
Detection algorithm and initial laboratory results using V-BLAST space-time communication architecture
GD Golden, CJ Foschini, RA Valenzuela, PW Wolniansky
Electronics letters 35 (1), 14-16, 1999
MIMO radar: An idea whose time has come
E Fishler, A Haimovich, R Blum, D Chizhik, L Cimini, R Valenzuela
Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Radar Conference (IEEE Cat. No. 04CH37509), 71-78, 2004
Spatial diversity in radars—Models and detection performance
E Fishler, A Haimovich, RS Blum, LJ Cimini, D Chizhik, RA Valenzuela
IEEE Transactions on signal processing 54 (3), 823-838, 2006
Simplified processing for high spectral efficiency wireless communication employing multi-element arrays
GJ Foschini, GD Golden, RA Valenzuela, PW Wolniansky
IEEE Journal on Selected areas in communications 17 (11), 1841-1852, 1999
Network coordination for spectrally efficient communications in cellular systems
MK Karakayali, GJ Foschini, RA Valenzuela
IEEE Wireless Communications 13 (4), 56-61, 2006
Capacity scaling in MIMO wireless systems under correlated fading
CN Chuah, DNC Tse, JM Kahn, RA Valenzuela
IEEE Transactions on Information theory 48 (3), 637-650, 2002
Packet reservation multiple access for local wireless communications
DJ Goodman, RA Valenzuela, KT Gayliard, B Ramamurthi
IEEE transactions on Communications 37 (8), 885-890, 1989
Keyholes, correlations, and capacities of multielement transmit and receive antennas
D Chizhik, GJ Foschini, MJ Gans, RA Valenzuela
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 1 (2), 361-368, 2002
Coordinating multiple antenna cellular networks to achieve enormous spectral efficiency
GJ Foschini, K Karakayali, RA Valenzuela
IEE Proceedings-Communications 153 (4), 548-555, 2006
Performance of MIMO radar systems: Advantages of angular diversity
E Fishler, A Haimovich, R Blum, R Cimini, D Chizhik, R Valenzuela
Conference Record of the Thirty-Eighth Asilomar Conference on Signals …, 2004
Multiple-input-multiple-output measurements and modeling in Manhattan
D Chizhik, J Ling, PW Wolniansky, RA Valenzuela, N Costa, K Huber
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 21 (3), 321-331, 2003
WISE design of indoor wireless systems: practical computation and optimization
SJ Fortune, DM Gay, BW Kernighan, O Landron, RA Valenzuela, ...
IEEE Computational science and Engineering 2 (1), 58-68, 1995
Evaluation of transmit diversity in MIMO-radar direction finding
NH Lehmann, E Fishler, AM Haimovich, RS Blum, D Chizhik, LJ Cimini, ...
IEEE transactions on signal processing 55 (5), 2215-2225, 2007
Link-optimal space-time processing with multiple transmit and receive antennas
FR Farrokhi, GJ Foschini, A Lozano, RA Valenzuela
IEEE communications letters 5 (3), 85-87, 2002
Comparisons of a computer-based propagation prediction tool with experimental data collected in urban microcellular environments
V Erceg, SJ Fortune, J Ling, AJ Rustako, RA Valenzuela
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 15 (4), 677-684, 1997
Analysis and performance of some basic space-time architectures
GJ Foschini, D Chizhik, MJ Gans, C Papadias, RA Valenzuela
IEEE Journal on Selected areas in communications 21 (3), 303-320, 2003
Network MIMO: Overcoming intercell interference in indoor wireless systems
S Venkatesan, A Lozano, R Valenzuela
2007 Conference Record of the Forty-First Asilomar Conference on Signals …, 2007
Capacities of multi-element transmit and receive antennas: Correlations and keyholes
D Chizhik, GJ Foschini, RA Valenzuela
Electronics Letters 36 (13), 1, 2000
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Articles 1–20