Antonia Larese
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Cited by
Validation of the particle finite element method (PFEM) for simulation of free surface flows
A Larese, R Rossi, E Oñate, SR Idelsohn
Engineering Computations: Int J for Computer-Aided Engineering 25 (4), 385-425, 2008
Numerical modelling of landslide‐generated waves with the particle finite element method (PFEM) and a non‐Newtonian flow model
F Salazar, J Irazábal, A Larese, E Oñate
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 2016
A coupled PFEM–Eulerian approach for the solution of porous FSI problems
A Larese, R Rossi, E Oñate, SR Idelsohn
Computational mechanics 50, 805-819, 2012
Numerical and experimental study of overtopping and failure of rockfill dams
A Larese, R Rossi, E Oñate, MÁ Toledo, R Morán, H Campos
International Journal of Geomechanics 15 (4), 04014060, 2015
Finite element modeling of free surface flow in variable porosity media
A Larese, R Rossi, E Oñate
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 22, 637-653, 2015
An efficient edge‐based level set finite element method for free surface flow problems
R Rossi, A Larese, P Dadvand, E Oñate
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2012
A stabilized mixed implicit material point method for non-linear incompressible solid mechanics
I Iaconeta, A Larese, R Rossi, E Oñate
Computational Mechanics 63, 1243-1260, 2019
Modelling of Bingham and Herschel–Bulkley flows with mixed P1/P1 finite elements stabilized with orthogonal subgrid scale
E Moreno, A Larese, M Cervera
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 228, 1-16, 2016
Nonconforming Dirichlet boundary conditions in implicit material point method by means of penalty augmentation
B Chandra, V Singer, T Teschemacher, R Wüchner, A Larese
Acta Geotechnica 16 (8), 2315-2335, 2021
Comparison of a material point method and a galerkin meshfree method for the simulation of cohesive-frictional materials
I Iaconeta, A Larese, R Rossi, Z Guo
Materials 10 (10), 1150, 2017
A coupled Eulerian-PFEM model for the simulation of overtopping in rockfill dams
A Larese De Tetto, E Oñate Ibáñez de Navarra, R Rossi
Centre Internacional de Mètodes Numèrics en Enginyeria (CIMNE), 2012
An implicit material point method applied to granular flows
I Iaconeta, A Larese, R Rossi, E Oñate
Procedia Engineering 175, 226-232, 2017
A modified finite element formulation for the imposition of the slip boundary condition over embedded volumeless geometries
R Zorrilla, A Larese, R Rossi
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 353, 123-157, 2019
Physical and numerical modelization of the behaviour of rockfill dams during overtopping scenarios
A Larese, R Rossi, E Oñate, T Municio
Dam Maintenance and Rehabilitation II-Proceedings of the 2nd International …, 2011
A partitioned material point method and discrete element method coupling scheme
V Singer, KB Sautter, A Larese, R Wüchner, KU Bletzinger
Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences 9 (1), 16, 2022
A Lagrangian PFEM approach for non-Newtonian viscoplastic materials
A Larese
Revista internacional de métodos numéricos para cálculo y diseño en …, 2017
Implicit MPM and coupled MPM–FEM in geomechanics
A Larese, I Iaconeta, B Chandra, V Singer
Comput. Mech 175, 226-232, 2019
Hydraulic and stability analysis of the supporting layer of wedge-shaped blocks
J San Mauro, A Larese, F Salazar, J Irazábal, R Morán, MÁ Toledo
Colorado State University. Libraries, 2016
Simulation of the behavior of prototypes of rockfill dams during overtopping scenarios. Seepage evolution and beginning of failure
A Larese, R Rossi, E Oñate Ibáñez, MÁ Toledo Muñicio, R Morán Moya, ...
SpanCOLD, 2011
Coupling eulerian and lagrangian models to simulate seepage and evolution of failure in prototype rockfill dams
A Larese De Tetto, R Rossi, E Oñate Ibáñez de Navarra
XI ICOLD Benchmark Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Dams, 1-20, 2011
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Articles 1–20