Md Shariful Islam
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Cited by
Design and simulation of a low cost three band microstrip patch antenna for the X-band, Ku-band and K-band applications
MA Motin, MI Hasan, MS Islam
2012 7th international conference on Electrical and computer Engineering …, 2012
Dispersion flattened porous-core honeycomb lattice terahertz fiber for ultra low loss transmission
MS Islam, M Faisal, SMA Razzak
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 53 (6), 1-8, 2017
Extremely high birefringent terahertz fiber using a suspended elliptic core with slotted airholes
M Faisal, M Shariful Islam
Applied optics 57 (13), 3340-3347, 2018
Dispersion flattened extremely high-birefringent kagome lattice elliptic core photonic crystal fiber in THz regime
MS Islam, M Faisal, SMA Razzak
Optical and Quantum Electronics 51, 1-15, 2019
Extremely low loss porous-core photonic crystal fiber with ultra-flat dispersion in terahertz regime
M Shariful Islam, M Faisal, SM Abdur Razzak
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 34 (8), 1747-1754, 2017
Continuous wavelet transform based analysis of low frequency oscillation in power system
MJ Rana, MS Alam, MS Islam
2015 International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering (ICAEE …, 2015
Staircase dynamics of a photonic microwave oscillator based on a laser diode with delayed optoelectronic feedback
MS Islam, AV Kovalev, G Coget, EA Viktorov, DS Citrin, A Locquet
Physical Review Applied 13 (6), 064038, 2020
Optical square-wave generation in a semiconductor laser with optoelectronic feedback
MS Islam, AV Kovalev, EA Viktorov, DS Citrin, A Locquet
Optics Letters 46 (24), 6031-6034, 2021
Resonances between fundamental frequencies for lasers with large delayed feedbacks
AV Kovalev, MS Islam, A Locquet, DS Citrin, EA Viktorov, T Erneux
Physical Review E 99 (6), 062219, 2019
Microwave frequency comb generation by gain-switching versus relaxation oscillations
MS Islam, AV Kovalev, EA Viktorov, DS Citrin, A Locquet
IEEE Photonics technology letters 33 (10), 491-494, 2021
Doublet structure in the optical spectrum of a semiconductor laser with optoelectronic feedback in a square-wave regime
MS Islam, AV Kovalev, VN Iachkula, EA Viktorov, DS Citrin, A Locquet
Applied Physics Letters 121 (26), 2022
Multiplet Cascade in a Semiconductor Laser with Optoelectronic Feedback
MS Islam, AV Kovalev, GO Danilenko, EA Viktorov, DS Citrin, A Locquet
Applied Physics Letters 124 (22), 2024
Optical square waves in a multiquantum-well laser with nonlinear optoelectronic feedback
MS Islam, AV Kovalev, EA Viktorov, DS Citrin, A Locquet
Semiconductor Lasers and Laser Dynamics X 12141, 7-11, 2022
Photonic microwave source based on laser diodes with filtered optoelectronic feedback: Switching modulation frequencies
AV Kovalev, MS Islam, G Coget, DS Citrin, A Locquet, EA Viktorov
The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, cb_p_9, 2019
Dispersion optimization of 160-Gb/s 2000-km transmission by appropriate orientation of chirped fiber Bragg grating
S Islam, FR Zaki, M Faisal
8th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 417-420, 2014
Hong-Ou-Mandel interference with a coexisting clock using transceivers for synchronization over deployed fiber
A Ramesh, DR Reilly, KF Lee, PM Moraw, J Chung, MS Islam, C Peņa, ...
Optics Communications 576, 131305, 2025
Busse Balloon for Optical Frequency Combs From a Semiconductor Laser With Time-Delayed Optoelectronic Feedback
MS Islam, AV Kovalev, GO Danilenko, EA Viktorov, DS Citrin, A Locquet
Journal of Lightwave Technology 42 (21), 7628-7633, 2024
Experiences on Developing an on-Demand Entanglement Service Coexisting with Classical Traffic over a Q-LAN Testbed
MS Islam, J Chung, R Kettimuthu, A Ramesh, P Kumar
2024 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE …, 2024
Applications of Nonlinear Dynamics in Semiconductor Lasers With Time-Delayed Feedback in Microwave Photonics
MS Islam
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2022
Optical square waves in a semiconductor laser with nonlinear optoelectronic feedback
AL MS Islam, AV Kovalev, EA Viktorov, DS Citrin
International Symposium in Physics and Applications of Laser Dynamics (IS-PALD), 2021
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Articles 1–20