John Philbeck
John Philbeck
Professor of Psychology, George Washington University
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Human navigation by path integration
JM Loomis
Wayfinding behavior, 1999
Comparison of two indicators of perceived egocentric distance under full-cue and reduced-cue conditions.
JW Philbeck, JM Loomis
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 23 (1), 72, 1997
Visual perception of location and distance
JM Loomis, JA Da Silva, JW Philbeck, SS Fukusima
Current Directions in Psychological Science 5 (3), 72-77, 1996
Measuring spatial perception with spatial updating and action
JM Loomis, JW Philbeck
Embodiment, ego-space, and action, 17-60, 2008
Assessing auditory distance perception using perceptually directed action
JM Loomis, RL Klatzky, JW Philbeck, RG Golledge
Perception & Psychophysics 60, 966-980, 1998
Visually perceived location is an invariant in the control of action
JW Philbeck, JM Loomis, AC Beall
Perception & Psychophysics 59, 601-612, 1997
The various perceptions of distance: an alternative view of how effort affects distance judgments.
AJ Woods, JW Philbeck, JV Danoff
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 35 (4 …, 2009
Is the anisotropy of perceived 3-D shape invariant across scale?
JM Loomis, JW Philbeck
Perception & psychophysics 61 (3), 397-402, 1999
Active control of locomotion facilitates nonvisual navigation.
JW Philbeck, RL Klatzky, M Behrmann, JM Loomis, J Goodridge
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 27 (1), 141, 2001
Serotonin transporter promoter polymorphism and differences in alcohol consumption behaviour in a college student population
AI Herman, JW Philbeck, NL Vasilopoulos, PB Depetrillo
Alcohol and alcoholism 38 (5), 446-449, 2003
Dissociation between location and shape in visual space.
JM Loomis, JW Philbeck, P Zahorik
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 28 (5 …, 2002
Obsessive–compulsive symptoms in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy
KL Isaacs, JW Philbeck, WB Barr, O Devinsky, K Alper
Epilepsy & Behavior 5 (4), 569-574, 2004
Action-specific influences on perception and postperceptual processes: Present controversies and future directions.
JW Philbeck, JK Witt
Psychological Bulletin 141 (6), 1120, 2015
Human navigation ability: Tests of the encoding-error model of path integration
RL Klatzky, AC Beall, JM Loomis, RG Golledge, JW Philbeck
Spatial Cognition and Computation 1, 31-65, 1999
Absolute motion parallax weakly determines visual scale in real and virtual environments
AC Beall, JM Loomis, JW Philbeck, TG Fikes
Human Vision, Visual Processing, and Digital Display VI 2411, 288-297, 1995
Path integration deficits during linear locomotion after human medial temporal lobectomy
JW Philbeck, M Behrmann, L Levy, SJ Potolicchio, AJ Caputy
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 16 (4), 510-520, 2004
Chunking in spatial memory.
J Sargent, S Dopkins, J Philbeck, D Chichka
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, memory, and cognition 36 (3), 576, 2010
Progressive locomotor recalibration during blind walking
JW Philbeck, AJ Woods, J Arthur, J Todd
Perception & psychophysics 70, 1459-1470, 2008
Serotonin transporter promoter polymorphism and monoamine oxidase type A VNTR allelic variants together influence alcohol binge drinking risk in young women
AI Herman, KM Kaiss, R Ma, JW Philbeck, A Hasan, H Dasti, ...
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics 133 …, 2005
Remembered landmarks enhance the precision of path integration
JW Philbeck, S O'Leary
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