Mark Barba Pacheco
Mark Barba Pacheco
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Cited by
Multimodal codemeshing: Bilingual adolescents’ processes composing across modes and languages
BE Smith, MB Pacheco, CR de Almeida
Journal of Second Language Writing 36, 6-22, 2017
Making meaning through translanguaging in the literacy classroom
MB Pacheco, ME Miller
The Reading Teacher 69 (5), 533-537, 2016
Using translation to drive conceptual development for students becoming literate in English as an additional language
RT Jiménez, S David, K Fagan, VJ Risko, M Pacheco, L Pray, M Gonzales
Research in the Teaching of English 49 (3), 248-271, 2015
Translanguaging practices and perspectives of four multilingual teens
SM Daniel, MB Pacheco
Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 59 (6), 653-663, 2016
Emergent bilingual students and digital multimodal composition: A systematic review of research in secondary classrooms
BE Smith, MB Pacheco, M Khorosheva
Reading Research Quarterly 56 (1), 33-52, 2021
Scaffolding to make translanguaging a classroom norm
SM Daniel, RT Jiménez, L Pray, MB Pacheco
Tesol Journal 10 (1), e00361, 2019
Putting Two and Two Together: Middle School Students' Morphological Problem-Solving Strategies For Unknown Words.
MB Pacheco, AP Goodwin
Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 56 (7), 2013
Across languages, modes, and identities: Bilingual adolescents’ multimodal codemeshing in the literacy classroom
MB Pacheco, BE Smith
Bilingual Research Journal 38 (3), 292-312, 2015
Translingual practice, strategic participation, and meaning-making
MB Pacheco, SM Daniel, LC Pray, RT Jiménez
Journal of Literacy Research 51 (1), 75-99, 2019
Supporting teachers of English learners by leveraging students' linguistic strengths
RT Jiménez, S David, M Pacheco, VJ Risko, L Pray, K Fagan, M Gonzales
The Reading Teacher 68 (6), 406-412, 2015
Scaffolding multimodal composition with emergent bilingual students
MB Pacheco, BE Smith, A Deig, NA Amgott
Journal of Literacy Research 53 (2), 149-173, 2021
Designing translingual pedagogies: Exploring pedagogical translation through a classroom teaching experiment
SS David, MB Pacheco, RT Jiménez
Cognition and Instruction 37 (2), 252-275, 2019
Translating Pedagogies: Leveraging Students' Heritage Languages in the Literacy Classroom
MB Pacheco, SS David, RT Jimenez
Middle Grades Research Journal 10 (1), 49-63, 2015
Scaffolds, signs, and bridges: Language ideologies and translanguaging in student-teaching experiences
MB Pacheco, HS Kang, E Hurd
Bilingual Research Journal 42 (2), 194-213, 2019
Translanguaging in the English-centric classroom: A communities of practice perspective
MB Pacheco
Vanderbilt University, 2016
Spanish, Arabic, and “English‐only”: Making meaning across languages in two classroom communities
MB Pacheco
tesol QUARTERLY 52 (4), 995-1021, 2018
Short‐term study abroad in TESOL: Current state and prospects
HS Kang, MB Pacheco
TESOL Quarterly 55 (3), 817-838, 2021
Preschoolers as digital designers: Composing dual language ebooks using touchscreen computer tablets
DW Rowe, ME Miller, MB Pacheco
Handbook of research on digital tools for writing instruction in K-12 …, 2014
Scaffolding practice: Supporting emerging bilinguals’ academic language use in two classroom communities
MB Pacheco, SM Daniel, LC Pray
Language Arts 95 (2), 63-76, 2017
Connecting classrooms and communities with language and technology: A multimodal code-meshing project
MB Pacheco, BE Smith, S Carr
Voices from the Middle 24 (3), 63-67, 2017
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Articles 1–20