Marco Veneroni
Marco Veneroni
Associate Professor of Mathematical Analysis, University of Pavia
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Cited by
Battery degradation and behaviour for electric vehicles: Review and numerical analyses of several models
S Pelletier, O Jabali, G Laporte, M Veneroni
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 103, 158-187, 2017
Reaction–diffusion systems for the macroscopic bidomain model of the cardiac electric field
M Veneroni
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 10 (2), 849-868, 2009
Passing to the limit in a Wasserstein gradient flow: from diffusion to reaction
S Arnrich, A Mielke, MA Peletier, G Savaré, M Veneroni
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 44 (3), 419-454, 2012
Reaction–diffusion systems for the microscopic cellular model of the cardiac electric field
M Veneroni
Mathematical methods in the applied sciences 29 (14), 1631-1661, 2006
Global minimizers for the doubly-constrained Helfrich energy: the axisymmetric case
R Choksi, M Veneroni
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 48, 337-366, 2013
Equilibrium configurations of nematic liquid crystals on a torus
A Segatti, M Snarski, M Veneroni
Physical Review E 90 (1), 012501, 2014
Global minimizers for axisymmetric multiphase membranes
R Choksi, M Morandotti, M Veneroni
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 19 (4), 1014-1029, 2013
Computing Kantorovich-Wasserstein Distances on -dimensional histograms using -partite graphs
G Auricchio, F Bassetti, S Gualandi, M Veneroni
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31, 2018
Analysis of a variational model for nematic shells
A Segatti, M Snarski, M Veneroni
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 26 (10), 1865-1918, 2016
From Diffusion to Reaction via -Convergence
MA Peletier, G Savaré, M Veneroni
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 42 (4), 1805-1825, 2010
Variational formulation of the Fokker–Planck equation with decay: a particle approach
MA Peletier, DRM Renger, M Veneroni
Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 15 (05), 1350017, 2013
On the Computation of Kantorovich--Wasserstein Distances Between Two-Dimensional Histograms by Uncapacitated Minimum Cost Flows
F Bassetti, S Gualandi, M Veneroni
SIAM Journal on Optimization 30 (3), 2441-2469, 2020
Morse's index formula in VMO for compact manifolds with boundary
G Canevari, A Segatti, M Veneroni
Journal of Functional Analysis 269 (10), 3043-3082, 2015
The equivalence of Fourier-based and Wasserstein metrics on imaging problems
G Auricchio, A Codegoni, S Gualandi, G Toscani, M Veneroni
Rendiconti Lincei 31 (3), 627-649, 2020
Chemical Reactions as -Limit of Diffusion
MA Peletier, G Savaré, M Veneroni
SIAM Review 54 (2), 327-352, 2012
Computing Wasserstein barycenters via linear programming
G Auricchio, F Bassetti, S Gualandi, M Veneroni
Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and …, 2019
Stripe patterns in a model for block copolymers
MA Peletier, M Veneroni
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 20 (06), 843-907, 2010
Periodic homogenization of the Prandtl–Reuss model with hardening
B Schweizer, M Veneroni
Journal of Multiscale Modelling 2 (01n02), 69-106, 2010
Homogenization of plasticity equations with two-scale convergence methods
B Schweizer, M Veneroni
Applicable Analysis 94 (2), 375-398, 2015
On the computation of Kantorovich-Wasserstein distances between 2D-histograms by uncapacitated minimum cost flows
F Bassetti, S Gualandi, M Veneroni
arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.00445, 2018
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Articles 1–20