Towards a smart wearable tool to enable people with SSPI to communicate by sentence fragments G Vörös, A Verő, B Pintér, B Miksztai-Réthey, T Toyama, A Lőrincz, ... Pervasive Computing Paradigms for Mental Health: 4th International Symposium …, 2014 | 15 | 2014 |
Automated word puzzle generation via topic dictionaries B Pintér, G Voros, Z Szabó, A Lorincz arXiv preprint arXiv:1206.0377, 2012 | 9 | 2012 |
Wikifying novel words to mixtures of Wikipedia senses by structured sparse coding B Pintér, G Vörös, Z Szabó, A Lőrincz Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods: International Conference …, 2015 | 7 | 2015 |
Automated word puzzle generation using topic models and semantic relatedness measures B Pintér, G Vörös, Z Szabó, A Lőrincz Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös …, 2012 | 6 | 2012 |
Determining unintelligible words from their textual contexts B Pintér, G Vörös, Z Palotai, Z Szabó, A Lőrincz Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 73, 101-108, 2013 | 5 | 2013 |
Explaining unintelligible words by means of their context B Pintér, G Vörös, Z Szabó, A Lőrincz | 4 | 2013 |
Recommending Missing Symbols of Augmentative and Alternative Communication by Means of Explicit Semantic Analysis. G Vörös, P Rabi, B Pintér, A Sárkány, D Sonntag, A Lörincz AAAI Fall Symposia, 2014 | 3 | 2014 |
Marxizmus, szocializmus, demokrácia: tanulmányok, cikkek, beszédek R Luxemburg, G Vörös Gondolat, 1983 | 3 | 1983 |
Recommending Missing Symbols of Augmentative and Alternative Communication by Means of Explicit Semantic Analysis G Voros, P Rabi, B Pinter, A Sarkany, D Sonntag, A Lorincz 2014 AAAI Fall Symposium Series, 2014 | 2 | 2014 |
Adrema berendezés G Vörös Budapest, 2015 | | 2015 |
Expanding small corpora to aid people with communication impairment G Vörös Acta Cybernetica 22 (1), 229-242, 2015 | | 2015 |
Innovation Engine in Blogspace. Technical Report, EOARD-US Air Force Research Laboratories A Lőrincz, V Gyenes, Z Palotai, B Pintér, Z Szabo, G Vörös | | 2011 |
Munkatársak G Vörös Budapest, 1954 | | 1954 |
Software tools of an intelligent house for severely handicapped children Z Bárdosi, B Horváth, SL Kalman, A Szabó, Z Palotai, MT Szabó, G Vörös, ... | | |