Nathalie Camelin
Cited by
Cited by
Word embedding evaluation and combination
S Ghannay, B Favre, Y Esteve, N Camelin
Proceedings of the tenth international conference on language resources and …, 2016
End-to-end named entity and semantic concept extraction from speech
S Ghannay, A Caubrière, Y Estève, N Camelin, E Simonnet, A Laurent, ...
2018 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT), 692-699, 2018
Curriculum-based transfer learning for an effective end-to-end spoken language understanding and domain portability
A Caubrière, N Tomashenko, A Laurent, E Morin, N Camelin, Y Esteve
arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.07601, 2019
ASR error management for improving spoken language understanding
E Simonnet, S Ghannay, N Camelin, Y Esteve, R De Mori
arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.09515, 2017
Simulating ASR errors for training SLU systems
E Simonnet, S Ghannay, N Camelin, Y Estève
LREC 2018, 2018
Boosting bonsai trees for efficient features combination: application to speaker role identification
A Laurent, N Camelin, C Raymond
Interspeech, 2014
Exploring the use of attention-based recurrent neural networks for spoken language understanding
E Simonnet, N Camelin, P Deléglise, Y Esteve
Machine Learning for Spoken Language Understanding and Interaction NIPS 2015 …, 2015
Comment faire pour que l’opinion forgée à la sortie des urnes soit la bonne? application au défi deft 2007
JM Torres-Moreno, M El-Bèze, F Béchet, N Camelin
Actes du troisième DÉfi Fouille de Textes, 129, 2007
Leveraging study of robustness and portability of spoken language understanding systems across languages and domains: the PORTMEDIA corpora
F Lefevre, D Mostefa, L Besacier, Y Esteve, M Quignard, N Camelin, ...
The International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 2012
Word embeddings combination and neural networks for robustness in asr error detection
S Ghannay, Y Esteve, N Camelin
2015 23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 1671-1675, 2015
Combining continuous word representation and prosodic features for asr error prediction
S Ghannay, Y Esteve, N Camelin, C Dutrey, F Santiago, M Adda-Decker
Statistical Language and Speech Processing: Third International Conference …, 2015
On the use of machine translation for spoken language understanding portability
C Servan, N Camelin, C Raymond, F Béchet, R De Mori
2010 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2010
Acoustic Word Embeddings for ASR Error Detection.
S Ghannay, Y Esteve, N Camelin, P Deléglise
INTERSPEECH, 1330-1334, 2016
Detection and interpretation of opinion expressions in spoken surveys
N Camelin, F Bechet, G Damnati, R De Mori
IEEE transactions on audio, speech, and language processing 18 (2), 369-381, 2009
Opinion mining in a telephone survey corpus.
N Camelin, G Damnati, F Béchet, R De Mori
Interspeech, 2006
End2end acoustic to semantic transduction
V Pelloin, N Camelin, A Laurent, R De Mori, A Caubriere, Y Estève, ...
ICASSP 2021-2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2021
SINr: fast computing of sparse interpretable node representations is not a sin!
T Prouteau, V Connes, N Dugué, A Perez, JC Lamirel, N Camelin, ...
International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis, 325-337, 2021
Arabic Sentiment analysis: an empirical study of machine translation's impact
A Barhoumi, C Aloulou, N Camelin, Y Esteve, L Belguith
Language Processing and Knowledge Management International Conference (LPKM2018), 2018
Evaluation of acoustic word embeddings
S Ghannay, Y Esteve, N Camelin, P Deléglise
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Evaluating Vector-Space Representations …, 2016
Semantic interpretation with error correction
C Raymond, F Béchet, N Camelin, R De Mori, G Damnati
Proceedings.(ICASSP'05). IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech …, 2005
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Articles 1–20