Dr. Constantin Sarbu
Dr. Constantin Sarbu
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Cited by
The impact of fault models on software robustness evaluations
S Winter, C Sârbu, N Suri, B Murphy
Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering, 51-60, 2011
Spatial and temporal misperceptions in amblyopic vision
R Sireteanu, CC Bäumer, C Sârbu, A Iftime
Strabismus 15 (1), 45-54, 2007
Profiling the operational behavior of OS device drivers
C Sârbu, A Johansson, N Suri, N Nagappan
Empirical Software Engineering 15, 380-422, 2010
A software integration approach for designing and assessing dependable embedded systems
N Suri, A Jhumka, M Hiller, A Pataricza, S Islam, C Sârbu
Journal of Systems and Software 83 (10), 1780-1800, 2010
Improving robustness testing of COTS OS extensions
C Sârbu, A Johansson, F Fraikin, N Suri
Service Availability: Third International Service Availability Symposium …, 2006
Spatial misperceptions in amblyopic vision: abnormal activation of the primary visual cortex?
R Sireteanu, C Bäumer, C Sârbu, S Tsujimura, L Muckli
Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde 224 (10), 780-786, 2007
Execution path profiling for OS device drivers: Viability and methodology
C Sârbu, A Johansson, N Suri
Service Availability: 5th International Service Availability Symposium, ISAS …, 2008
Runtime behavior-based profiling of OS drivers
C Sârbu, N Suri
TR-TUD-DEEDS-05-02-2007, 2007
Temporal instability of amblyopic vision: Evidence for an involvement of the dorsal visual pathway
R Sireteanu, C Bäumer, C Sârbu
Journal of Vision 5 (8), 293-293, 2005
Operational profiling of OS drivers
C Sârbu
Darmstadt, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2009, 2009
On equivalence partitioning of code paths inside os kernel components
C Sârbu, N Nagappan, N Suri
2009 Software Technologies for Future Dependable Distributed Systems, 17-19, 2009
Impact of Error Models on OS Robustness Evaluations
S Winter, C Sârbu, A Johansson, N Suri
Supplemental Proceedings of the International Symposium on Software …, 2009
OS Driver Test Effort Reduction via Operational Profiling
C Sârbu, S Winter, N Nagappan, N Suri
Supplemental Proceedings of the International Symposium on Software …, 2009
Basiert der verzerrte Seheindruck bei Amblyopie auf einer erhöhten Aktivierung in der primären Sehrinde?
R Sireteanu, C Bäumer, C Sarbu, S Tsujimura, L Muckli
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 224 (10), 780-786, 2007
Software Fault Tolerance (SWFT)
N Suri, C Sârbu
Presented at DSN, 6, 2005
Temporal instability of visual perception in strabismic amblyopia
R Sireteanu, C Bäumer, C Sarbu, S Tsujimura
Journal of Vision 4 (8), 762-762, 2004
Spatial distortions and temporal instability of amblyopic vision
R Sireteanu, C Baumer, C Sarbu
PERCEPTION 33, 28-28, 2004
When is the Right Time to Inject an Error?
A Johansson, C Sârbu, N Suri
DSN 2006, 192, 0
OS II: Dependability & Trust
N Suri, C Sârbu
On Identifying Execution Hotspots in Kernel-mode Device Drivers
C Sârbu, A Johansson, N Suri
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Articles 1–20